

Application of Information and Communication Technology Teaching in Fabric Design Course
摘要 通过现代服装面料设计课程的研究,以国际化课程模式的趋势为指引,以应用型课程建设作为要求,围绕人才培养目标,组织课程教学模块,介绍面料创意设计课程教学过程中运用到的信息化手段及教学效果,注重信息化教学在老师教授和学生学习中体现的方式与意义,从而提高服装专业面料设计整体的教学质量。 Through the study of modern clothing fabric design courses,using the trend of international curriculum model as guide,taking the construction of application oriented curriculum as requirement,the teaching modules of courses was organized based on the goal of talent training.The information and communication technology and the teaching effect in the teaching process of the fabric creative design course was introduced.The way and significance of information teaching in teachers'teaching and students'learning were emphasized,to improve the teaching quality of fabric design courses.
作者 殷海伦 李婧 杨梅 YIN Hai-lun;LI Jing;YANG Mei(College of Textile and Fashion,Hunan Institute of Engineering,Xiangtan 411104,China)
出处 《纺织科技进展》 CAS 2020年第9期56-58,共3页 Progress in Textile Science & Technology
基金 湖南省普通高校教学改革研究立项项目:非物质文化艺术传承下的服装设计类人才创新能力培养研究与实践,湖南省湘教通[2019]291号-708 2019年湖南工程学院校级教学改革研究一般项目:基于“SPOC+翻转课堂”教学模式下服装品牌类课程的研究与实践.
关键词 信息化 手机软件 CLO3D 面料设计 教学方法 information and communication technology mobile software CLO3D fabric design teaching method
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