
基于移动三维扫描技术的隧道管片错台分析及应用 被引量:15

Analysis and application study of tunnel segment stagger based on mobile 3D scanning technology
摘要 错台是地铁隧道的主要病害之一,通常是由于盾构机施工控制不好或是隧道荷载发生变化导致,错台的发生也会引起隧道收敛变形及渗水等其他病害。传统手段主要采用人工巡检等方式进行错台情况的检测,由于受夜间窗口期短的影响,该方法效率低,成果难以精确量化。研究采用基于轨道的隧道移动三维激光扫描系统对隧道错台进行检测,通过快速获取隧道三维点云生成正射影像,并基于正射影像进行管片的划分及里程的匹配,进而根据每一环的三维点云信息计算管片错台情况。以青岛地铁2号线为例,本文介绍了移动扫描技术在地铁隧道管片错台检测的应用情况,为该技术在其他隧道的推广应用提供了一定的借鉴意义。 The segmentstagger is one of the main diseases of subway tunnel,usually due to the poor construction control of shield machine or the change of tunnel load.Other diseases such as convergence deformation and water seepage can also be caused by the occurrence of segment staggered.The traditional method mainly uses the manual inspection,because of the night window period short influence,this method efficiency is low,the result is difficult to accurately quantify.The three-dimensional laser scanning system based on track is used to detect the tunnel stagger,and the segment is divided and the mileage is matched based on the 3D point cloud information of each ring.Taking Qingdao metro line 2 as an example,this paper introduces the application of mobile scanning technology in the detection of segment staggered,which provides some reference for its popularization and application in other tunnels.
作者 赵亚波 王智 ZHAO Yabo;WANG Zhi(Qingdao Surveying&Mapping Institute,Qingdao 266032,China;Shandong Joint Innovation Center of Coast Survey and Monitor Engineering,Qingdao 266032,China;Qingdao Engineering Research Center of Geographical Informationof Underground Space,Qingdao 266032,China;West Coast Geomatics Center of Qingdao,Qingdao 266555,China)
出处 《测绘通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期160-163,共4页 Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping
关键词 三维激光扫描 地铁隧道 管片错台 病害检测 点云 3D laser scanning metro tunnel segment stagger disease detection point cloud
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