目的了解男性求询人员HIV感染现状及危险因素,为更好地制定干预策略提供数据支撑。方法2016年1月至2019年12月,选取龙岗区艾滋病自愿咨询检测(voluntary counseling and testing,VCT)门诊的男性VCT求询者作为调查对象,分析HIV感染的现状及危险因素。结果男性VCT求询人员3987例,占总求询人员的37.61%(3987/10602),HIV阳性率为4.69%;文化水平为初中及以下占51.47%(2052/3987)。多因素分析结果显示,离异或丧偶(OR=3.178,95%CI:1.577~6.404)、配偶及固定性伴阳性(OR=37.719,95%CI:4.795~296.730)、男男性行为史(OR=48.673,95%CI:6.638~356.868)、既往接受过HIV抗体检测(OR=1.587,95%CI:1.102~2.287)和梅毒抗体筛查阳性(OR=5.788,95%CI:3.415~9.809)的男性求询者HIV抗体阳性率较高。结论龙岗区男性VCT求询人员较为年轻且文化水平较低,具有高危性行为的男性求询人员较多且HIV检出率较高,应在VCT过程中加强此类人群的艾滋病科普教育和提倡安全性行为。
Objective To Understand the status and risk factors of HIV infection among male counselees,so as to provide data support for better formulation of intervention strategies.Methods From January 2016 to December 2019,3987 male counselees from voluntary counseling testing clinics(VCT)in Longgang district were selected as the sur.vey subjects to analyze the status and risk factors of HIV infection.Results There were 3987 male counselees in VCT,accounting for 37.61%(3987/10602)of all counselees.The HIV positive rate was 4.69%.The proportion of education level of junior high school and below was 51.47%(2052/3987).Multivariant analysis indicated that male counselees with divorced or widower(OR=3.178,95%CI:1.577-6.404),spouse and fixed partner positive for HIV(OR=37.719,95%CI:4.795-296.730),male-male sexual behavior history(OR=48.673,95%CI:6.638-356.868),previously tested for HIV antibody(OR=1.587,95%CI:1.102-2.287),positive screening for syphilis antibody(OR=5.788,95%CI:3.415-9.809)had higher HIV positive rate.Conclusions The male counselees in the VCT of Longgang district were younger and had lower level of education.The proportion of male counselees having high risk sexual behaviors was higher and they had higher HIV detection rate.Education on AIDS and promotion of safet sex should be strengthened for this group in the VCT.
Li Xiaoxia;Zhao Jin;Liu Qu;Xie Shilan;Xie Xianqing(Department of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control,Shenzhen Longgang District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shenzhen 518172,China;Institute of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control,Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shenzhen 518020,China;the General Office,Shenzhen Longgang District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shenzhen 518172,China;Institute of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control,Guangdong Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Guangdong 511430,China)
International Journal of Virology