
指纹情报分析:技术现状及发展趋势 被引量:2

Forensic Fingerprint Intelligence Analysis:Technology Status and Prospect
摘要 指纹被誉为“物证之首”,其包含有犯罪嫌疑人的许多关键信息,如:指纹纹路可被用于特异性地识别嫌疑人,指纹包含的多种分泌和沉积物之化学成分可用于描绘嫌疑人的特征。一直以来,因指纹中物质的检测具有可缩小犯罪嫌疑人范围等作用而被刑侦工作者和研究者广为关注和重视。例如,在暴力案件中,对指纹中枪支弹药及爆炸物残留成分的检测可以极大程度地帮助案件的侦查;对指纹中药物残留物及其代谢物的鉴定可分析出嫌疑人是否使用毒品、吸烟或正在进行某种疾病的治疗等信息;对食品和化妆品残留物等成分的检测可以推断出嫌疑人的某些生活习惯。本文从犯罪嫌疑人是否吸毒、吸烟、携带爆炸物、有性侵犯行为和嫌疑人的性别五个方面对检测指纹以推断嫌疑人特征的研究进行综述。所涉及检测手段主要包括生物化学方法(将抗体与发光物质相结合等)、生物学方法(竞争酶免疫分析法等)、仪器分析法(质谱分析、红外谱图分析等)。在现有研究的基础上,结合实际刑侦工作中会遇到的困难和问题,本文提出了未来指纹情报鉴证分析的三个主要发展方向,即:内/外源性物质检测和指纹遗留时间的推断。希望通过指纹鉴定可以得到更多与案件有关的信息,更准确地刻画嫌疑人,更好地服务于侦查破案及法庭诉讼。 Fingerprint has been well-known as“one most important forensic evidence”for a long time.Besides the ability to identify an individual with its patterns,fingerprint contains numerous key information about a suspect.Demonstrably,the secretion and deposition of chemical components in fingerprint can be used to analyze the characteristics of a suspect.The detection of substances in fingerprint has therewith aroused great interests of criminal investigators and forensic researchers since it facilitates narrowing the scope of criminal suspects.For example,in fighting against the violent crimes,the detection of ammunition and explosive residues in fingerprint can greatly help the investigation of the cases;the identification of drug residues and metabolites in fingerprint can provide information about whether the suspect uses drugs,smokes or is undergoing a disease treatment.The detection of food residues and cosmetic components in fingerprint can assist in inferring a suspect about his/her certain life habit.This paper reviews the researches on the detection of fingerprint from five aspects relating to drug users,smokers,explosive carriers,sexual assaulters and gender.The expounding mainly involves with the detection methods about biochemical choices(e.g.,combining antibodies with fluorescent materials),biological assays(e.g.,competitive enzyme immunoassay),instrumental analysis handlings(e.g.,mass spectrometry,infrared spectrum analysis)and statistical ways.Based on the established researches and the problems confronted in the actual criminal investigation,three prospective development directions(of endogenous/exogenous substance and the age of fingerprint)are proposed for the forensic fingerprint intelligence analysis.Anyway,obtainment of more case information is always desirable for fingerprint identification so as to portray a suspect accurately further,and promote the role of forensic science in crime investigation and other legal processes as ably as possible.
作者 樊智楠 范丽娟 马荣梁 FAN Zhinan;FAN Lijuan;MA Rongliang(Department of Polymer Science and Engineering,College of Chemistry&Chemical Engineering and Material Science,Soochow University,Suzhou 215123,Jiangsu,China;Institute of Forensic Science,Ministry of Public Security,Beijing 100038,China)
出处 《刑事技术》 2020年第5期441-447,共7页 Forensic Science and Technology
基金 “十三五”国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFC0807205) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2018JB019) 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究重大项目(18KJA430014)。
关键词 指纹 识别 鉴证情报 内源性物质 外源性物质 fi ngerprint identifi cation forensic intelligence endogenous substance exogenous substance
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