
人类命运共同体视域下国际公共卫生问题治理的中国实践 被引量:3

China’s practice of international public health governance from the perspective of the community with shared future for humanity
摘要 中国在应对公共卫生问题上具有非常丰富的实践经验。从应对2003年非典疫情到如今的新冠肺炎疫情,中国对突发公共卫生事件的治理能力逐渐成长。在应对新冠肺炎疫情的过程中,中国始终践行“人类命运共同体”理念,采取有力措施积极防控,遵循国际公共卫生治理的国际制度。此次新冠肺炎疫情,中国在党的领导下,科学防治、精准施策,所实施的防治行动无不体现习近平同志的“共商、共建、共享”的人类命运共同体理念,但其中仍然有许多地方值得我们和国际社会反思。中国在此次疫情上的行动和实践给世界各国疫情防控提供了典范,对全球公共卫生问题的治理提供了启发,必将推动国际公共卫生治理的实践和发展。 China has rich experience in dealing with public health problems.From responding to the SARS in 2003to the COVID-19in 2020,China improved the ability of managing public health emergency.In the process of dealing with the COVID-19,China has been carrying out the concept of one community with shared future for humanity,taking effective prevention and treatment and following the international mechanism of international public health governance.Under the leadership of the CPC,China's scientific and precise measures to the COVID-19have been implemented to embody President Xi Jinping's the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration.The actions of China in responding to the COVID-19provide a model to the rest of the world,inspiring for the governance of global public health problems.This will certainly promote the development of international public health governance.
作者 苏超 Su Chao(Law School,Xinjiang University,Urumqi 830046,China)
机构地区 新疆大学法学院
出处 《中国卫生法制》 2020年第5期56-63,共8页 China Health Law
关键词 人类命运共同体 公共卫生 COVID-19 治理 The community with shared future for humanity Public health COVID-19 Governance
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