
国际立法视角下我国《职业教育法》修订的若干建议 被引量:2

Suggestions on Revision of“Vocational Education Law”in China from Perspective of International Legislation
摘要 德国、美国、瑞士等发达国家职业教育在国际上均处于领先水平,这在很大程度上得益于其完善的法律保障体系。通过分析和归纳国际上职业教育立法及修订的主流趋势,结合我国实际情况,建议在《职业教育法修订草案(征求意见稿)》基础上提高法律条文的可操作性;理顺各管理部门之间的职权划分关系;推动职业资格与学历资格的融合发展;明确行业企业参与职业教育的责权利;从法律层面为职业教育提供经费保障;完善《职业教育法》定期修订制度。 Vocational education in developed countries like Germany,the United States and Switzerland are at the leading level in the world,which largely benefits from their integrated and sound legal system.By analyzing and summarizing the major international trends in legislation and amendment of vocational education and in combine with the situation in China,the following suggestions are proposed regarding the Revised Draft of Vocational Education Law(Draft of Soliciting Opinions):to improve the operability of the provisions of law,to sort out the division of powers among different administrations,to promote the integration of professional qualifications and academic qualifications,to clarify the responsibilities and rights of enterprises’participation in vocational education,to legalize the funding for vocational education,and to formulate regular amendment mechanism for Vocational Education Law.
作者 郭潇莹 马毅飞 Guo Xiaoying;Ma Yifei(Institute of Educational Rule of Law and Educational Standards,National Institute of Educational Sciences,Beijing 100088)
出处 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2020年第24期19-23,共5页 Vocational and Technical Education
关键词 职业教育法 职业教育法修订草案 国外职业教育立法 立法趋势 修法建议 Vocational Education Law Revised Draft of Vocational Education Law foreign vocational education legislation legislative trend amendment suggestions
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