根据2010年俄罗斯阿尔泰山丹尼索瓦洞出土的古人类手指骨的线粒体和全基因组测序分析结果,遗传学家提出并命名一支新的已灭绝古老型人类--丹尼索瓦人(Denisovans,简称为丹人).这支神秘的古人类引发了第四纪年代学、考古学、古人类学、遗传学等多领域学者们的广泛关注,相关研究取得显著进展.时空分布方面,化石记录显示丹人在丹尼索瓦洞的生活时间为195~52 ka,至少于160 ka已出现在青藏高原东北部的白石崖溶洞,已知的分布区域从阿尔泰山扩展至东亚地区;石器制作技术方面,丹尼索瓦洞的丹人可能使用了勒瓦娄哇和石叶技术,而白石崖溶洞的石制品则主要由简单石核石片技术打制而成;体质形态方面,丹尼索瓦洞出土的丹人化石碎片提供了指骨、牙齿等有限形态信息,夏河人右侧下颌骨化石则提供了丹人较为全面的下颌骨形态特征;遗传特征方面,丹人明显区别于同期主要分布于欧亚大陆西部的尼安德特人,且内部存在深度分化,并对大洋洲、东亚和南亚现生人群及美洲土著人群有着基因贡献.尽管新发现与新成果不断揭示丹人的特征信息,但我们对这一人群仍知之甚少,未来在白石崖溶洞遗址的持续发掘和深入研究,有望提供更多丹人的体质形态、遗传特征和文化内涵等信息,揭示丹人对高海拔环境的适应机制.此外,在中国开展丹人与东亚古老型智人和早期现代人之间关系的深入探讨,将有助于进一步推动东亚古人类演化研究.
In 2010,geneticists reported the mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA sequences of a fragment of hominin phalanx found in Denisova cave,in the Altai Mountains in Russia,and the discovery of a new archaic human group which they named“Denisovans”.Subsequently,significant progress has been made in research on Denisovans.This paper reviews and summarizes recent achievements and advances in Denisovan studies,especially in chronology,archaeology,anthropology and genetics,over the past decade,with the aim of encouraging in-depth research in related fields in China.Comprehensive geochronological studies in Denisova cave suggest that Denisovans and Neanderthals may have occupied the cave during the interval of 287−55 ka(thousand years ago)and during 193−97 ka.Direct dating of hominin fossils,or of strata containing hominin fossils,indicates that Denisovans occupied the cave during 195−52 ka,while there is evidence of Neanderthals occupying the cave during 14.7−9.1 ka.These results reflect the long occupation history of Denisovans and Neanderthals in Denisova cave.In addition,the dating of the Xiahe mandible,from Baishiya karst cave(Xiahe County,Gansu Province,China)in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau,indicates that this is the first Denisovan fossil discovered outside Denisova cave,and suggests that Denisovans occupied the Tibetan Plateau at least at 160 ka,in the late Middle Pleistocene.This extends the spatial distribution of Denisovans from the Altai Mountains to the Tibetan Plateau and indicates that the Xiahe Denisovans may have been adapted to the extremely cold and hypoxic environment of the plateau.Lithic assemblages from Denisova cave include both Levallois and blade technologies produced by either Denisovans or Neanderthals,or both,who coexisted in the cave for a long time.However,preliminary analysis of lithic artifacts collected from Baishiya Karst cave indicates the dominance of simple core and flake technology.In consideration of long coexistence of two archaic humans in Denisova cave,and the archeological work in Baishiya Karst cave is still in its infancy stage,the cultural connotation of Denisovans needs further comprehensive study.Considering the long coexistence of the two archaic humans in Denisova cave,and that archeological work in Baishiya karst cave is still at a preliminary stage,the cultural connotations of the Denisovans require further comprehensive study.The fragments of Denisovan fossils found in Denisova cave provide limited evidence of the morphological characteristics of the phalanx and teeth,while the Xiahe mandible provides more extensive and important evidence of the morphological characteristics of the mandibles of Denisovans.The present study shows that the overall morphological characteristics of the phalanx are closer to those of modern humans than to Neanderthals,although the size of the molars is much greater than that those of Neanderthals and modern humans;in addition,the mandible has several features similar to those of archaic Homo sapiens in East Asia.However,due to the limited fossil evidence,the morphological differences between Denisovans and other archaic humans remain to be comprehensively documented.In addition,in contrast to the Neanderthals’wide genetic contribution to modern humans,Denisovans only genetically contributed to modern populations in Oceania,East Asia,South Asia and America,and they exhibit a gene flow from superarchaic humans.In addition,multiple deeply differentiated branches may exist within the Denisovan population.These findings imply that Denisovans may have been more widely distributed in Asia than was previously thought and that they possess a more complex evolutionary history.At present,only one highcoverage Denisovan genome has been discovered in Denisova cave and no ancient DNA is preserved in the Xiahe mandible,which limits our understanding of other Denisovan branches.Although we still know little about Denisovans,we anticipate that future in-depth archaeological studies at Baishiya karst cave will provide additional important information on the physical morphology of Denisovans,their genetic characteristics and behavioral culture,and will elucidate the adaptation mechanism of Denisovans to high-altitude environments.In addition,we expect that an increasing number of new discoveries and multidisciplinary endeavors will shed additional light on the Denisovans and thus contribute to the study of human evolution in East Asia.
Huan Xia;Dongju Zhang;Fahu Chen(Key Laboratory of Western China’s Environmental Systems(Ministry of Education),College of Earth and Environmental Sciences,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China;Key Laboratory of Alpine Ecology,Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100010,China;Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
Chinese Science Bulletin