目的分析慢性非传染性疾病出院患者病例,为慢性病防控提供依据。方法收集整理内蒙古某三甲医院病案管理系统中2018年1月1日-2019年12月31日出院患者病例资料,统计不同性别、年龄、婚姻、医保类型、职业、时间、病种的主要慢性病出院患者病例数及构成比。结果出院患者151157例,主要慢性非传染性疾病49256例(32.59%),以心脑血管疾病患者最多,27811例(18.40%)。其中男性慢性病患者构成比高于女性(36.58%vs 28.38%)。慢性病患者均随年龄增长逐渐增多,以80岁以上年龄组构成比最高(60.25%)。婚姻状况以离婚/丧偶构成比较高(59.20%)。医报类型以全公费构成比较高(59.09%)。职业以农民和退休人员构成比较高,分别占39.72%和30.88%。2018年慢性病住院天数的中位数为8.00天;2019年慢性病住院天数的中位数为9.00天。慢性病共死亡810人,其中2018年慢性病死亡427人,2019年慢性病死亡383人。结论男性、老年人和农民是慢性病主要危险人群,心脑血管疾病是主要危险慢性病病种,应针对高危人群积极开展健康教育,拓展医院慢病管理新模式,降低疾病负担。
Objective To analyze the cases of discharged patients with chronic non communicable diseases in 2018-2019, understand the prevalence of chronic non communicable diseases, and provide basis for prevention and control of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Methods Collect and sort out the case data of discharged patients in the medical record management system of a top three hospital in Inner Mongolia from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019,and count the number and composition ratio of discharged patients with major chronic diseases of different gender, age, marriage, medical insurance type, occupation, time and disease type. Results From 2018 to 2019, there were 151157 discharged patients, 49256 of whom were mainly chronic non infectious diseases, accounting for 32.59%, the most of whom were cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, 27811 of whom accounted for 18.40%. The proportion of male patients with chronic diseases was 36.58% vs 28.38% The number of discharged patients with chronic diseases increased gradually with the increase of age. The proportion of divorces and widows was 59.20%. In different types of medical reports, the total public expense is higher, accounting for 59.09%. The composition of farmers and retirees in different occupations was higher, accounting for 39.72% and 30.88% respectively. In 2018, the M of inpatient days of chronic diseases was 8.00 days;in 2019, the Mof inpatient days of chronic diseases was 9.00 days. A total of 810 people died of chronic diseases, including 427 in 2018 and 383 in 2019.Conclusion Men, old people and farmers are the main risk groups of chronic diseases, cerebrovascular disease is the main risk chronic diseases, health education should be carried out actively for the high risk groups, and a new management model of hospital chronic diseases should be developed to reduce the burden of diseases.
Tian Peiru;Gai Dong;Li Shumin;Huang Wenbo;WangZhihua(Chifeng Hospital,Chifeng Clinical College of Inner Mongolia Medical University,Chifeng 024000,Inner Mongolia Autonomous region,China;不详)
Chinese Medical Record
Chronic disease
Case analysis
Retrospective investigation