
结构化时间安排与效能感的匹配效应及其对消费者参与行为的影响 被引量:2

The Matching Effect of Structured Time-Schedule and Efficacy on Consumers’Participation Behavior
摘要 通过3个情境实验及一个现场调研,对时间安排与效能感匹配对活动参与意愿影响的过程及其内在机理进行了研究。分别得出以下结论:通过实验一(组内)和实验二(组间)证实紧凑的时间安排和自我效能(vs.反应效能)匹配、松散的时间安排和反应效能(vs.自我效能)匹配提高个体的活动参与意愿。实验三验证了紧凑的时间安排和自我效能的匹配、松散的时间安排和反应效能的匹配对活动参与意愿的影响,是通过感知流畅性的中介作用实现的。实验四通过现场实验的方式再次验证了主要结论。 This study researchesonthe process and mechanism underlying the matching effects of time-schedule and efficacy on willingness to participate through three situational experiments and one field investigation.The following conclusions were drawn separately:Study 1(within-)and Study 2(Between subjects)demonstrated that tight time-schedule and self-efficacy(vs.response efficacy)matching,loose time-schedule and response efficacy(vs.self-efficacy)matching improved individual’s willingness for activity participation.Study 3 demonstrated that the impact of tight time-schedule and self-efficacy matching,loose time-schedule and response efficacy matching on the willingness to participate in activities was achieved through the mediation role of perceived fluency.Study 4 verified the main conclusions of this paper again through a field investigation.
作者 董泽瑞 杜建刚 段珅 DONG Zerui;DU Jiangang;DUAN Shen(Nankai University,Tianjin,China;Renmin University of China,Beijing,China)
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期907-916,共10页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助重点项目(71832002) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71572082,71972107)。
关键词 时间安排 自我效能 反应效能 感知流畅性 参与行为 time-schedule self-efficacy response efficacy perceived fluency participation behavior
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