
基于原位反应法制备新型复合防火玻璃技术的研究 被引量:2

Preparation of the New Multi-laminated Fire-resistant Glass Based on the In-situ Reaction
摘要 通过对亲水性纳米SiO2颗粒的筛选、调整分散液体系的pH值,制备出具有剪切变稀的特性、固含量为40%、黏度仅为(1 100±18.5)mPa·s的纳米SiO2微粒分散液,再凭借"原位反应法"的特殊工艺制备出无机复合防火玻璃,可具备曲面结构(如弧面幕墙玻璃)。研究结果表明:这种新型的复合防火玻璃具有透过率高、耐温性能好、耐候性优异的特点,其耐紫外线辐照性能超过1 000 h;按照GB 15763.1—2009《建筑用安全玻璃第1部分:防火玻璃》和GB/T 12513—2006《镶玻璃构件耐火试验方法》所规定的方法,在国家建筑工程质量监督检验中心通过90 min耐火完整性测试,满足A1.50h级防火玻璃的技术要求。 By screening the hydrophilic nano SiO2 particles and adjusting the pH value of the system,the dispersion of nano SiO2 particles with a shear thinning characteristic,a solid content of 40%,and a viscosity of(1100±18.5)mPa·s was prepared.The multi-laminated fire-resistant glass with curved surface by the special process of the in-situ reaction method had been applied to the cambered curtain wall glass.The results show that this glass has the advantages of high transmittance,good temperature resistance,and excellent weather resistance characteristics.The anti-ultraviolet irradiation performance of refractory glass is more than 1000 h.According to GB 15763.1—2009 and GB/T 12513—2006,the multi-laminated fire-resistant glass has passed the 90 minutes fire integrity tests by the national center for quality supervision and test of building engineering which meet the technical requirements of A1.50 h grade.
作者 杨幼然 杨磊 穆元春 YANG Youran;YANG Lei;MU Yuanchun(China Building Materials Academy,Beijing 100024,China;State Key Laboratory ofGreen Building Materials,Beijing 100024,China)
出处 《玻璃》 2020年第9期1-7,共7页 Glass
基金 国家重点研发计划项目,复合防火玻璃制造技术与产业化示范(2016YFB0303904)。
关键词 SiO2分散液 黏度 剪切速率 原位反应法 复合防火玻璃 SiO2 dispersion viscosity shear rate in-situ reaction multi-laminated fire-resistant glass
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