Direct-drive wind turbines use low-speed multi-stage permanent magnet generators with fullpower converter technology,the blades are mostly made of new lightweight materials,the structure is lighter and simpler,and the efficiency is higher.In recent years,direct-drive wind turbines have gradually developed into largescale wind turbines.This paper systematically analyzes the principles and pitch characteristics of direct-drive wind turbines,discusses the design of pitch control schemes for direct-drive wind turbines,introduces the pitch control mode and control features in detail,and gives pitch control Circuit system design scheme and control schematic diagram.The direct drive fan greatly improves the reliability,efficiency and availability of the wind turbine,while lowering the noise and maintenance costs,and greatly increasing the service life of the equipment.
YANG Bin(Northwest Branch of China Guangdong Nuclear Power New Energy Investment(Shenzhen)Co.,Ltd.,Lanzhou 730000,China)
Telecom Power Technology