
《伤寒论》厥阴病篇疏疑--纪念李克绍先生诞辰110周年 被引量:7

Solving Puzzles about Jueyin Disease in Treatise on Cold Damage:To Commemorate the 110th Anniversary of the Birth of Prof.LI Keshao
摘要 李克绍教授早在40年前就已经指出“读《伤寒论》的厥阴篇,首先必须分清什么是厥阴病,什么是一般伤寒”,并指出厥阴病篇中标明为厥阴病的只有4条。赵刻宋本厥阴病篇中附的“厥利呕哕”既不是厥阴病,也不属于厥阴病篇。成无己抹掉“厥利呕哕附”五个小字,从而把“厥利呕哕”混淆成厥阴病,是引发厥阴病篇纷乱的根源。从《金匮要略》呕吐哕下利篇与《金匮玉函经》中,逐条找出“厥利呕哕”条文的踪迹.“厥利呕哕”不仅是附在厥阴病篇,更确切地说是附在三阳病三阴病六病之后,是集中对伤寒发病中具有标志性意义的“厥”,以及贯穿于三阴三阳六病与“吃”有关联的常见症状“利、呕、哕”,进行深入地讨论。 As early as 40 years ago,Professor LI Keshao pointed out that“when reading the chapter of Jueyin in Treatise on Cold Damage,we must first distinguish what is Jueyin disease and what is common cold damage”,and pointed out that only four clauses labeled as Jueyin disease in chapter of Jueyin.“Jue Li Ou Yue”attached to the chapter of Jueyin in edition of Song Dynasty copied by Zhao is neither Jueyin disease nor belonging to chapter of Jueyin.CHENG Wuji omitted“Jue Li Ou Yue Fu”,causing confusion of“Jue Li Ou Yue”for Jueyin disease,which is the root cause of troubles in chapter of Jueyin.The traces of“Jue Li Ou Yue”are found out one by one in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber•Chapter of Retching,Vomiting,Hiccup and Diarrhea Disease and The Jade Case Classic of the Golden Chamber.“Jue Li Ou Yue”was not only attached to the chapter of Jueyin disease,but more precisely attached to the three yin disease,three yang disease and the six diseases,focusing on in-depth discussion of the symbolic meaning of"Jue"in the onset of cold damage disease,as well as the common symptoms"Li Ou Yue"associated with diet throughout the three yin disease,three yang disease and the six diseases.
作者 李心机 LI Xinji(Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250355,China)
机构地区 山东中医药大学
出处 《山东中医药大学学报》 2020年第5期517-521,共5页 Journal of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 李克绍 厥阴病 厥利呕哕 赵刻宋本《伤寒论》 《金匮玉函经》 《金匮要略》呕吐哕下利篇 《注解伤寒论》 LI Keshao Jueyin disease Jue Li Ou Yue Treatise on Cold Damage of Song Dynasty edition copied by Zhao The Jade Case Classic of the Golden Chamber Synopsis of the Golden Chamber-Chapter of Retching,Vomiting,Hiccup and Diarrhea Disease The Annotated and Explained Treatise on Cold Damage
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