

Solving the Shutdown Corrosion Problem of Metal-Air Batteries via Kipp′s Apparatus Principle
摘要 金属空气电池的负极与电解液在停机期间一直接触发生腐蚀反应,这严重影响了金属空气电池的保质期。通过对常规金属空气电池结构简单改进,利用启普发生器原理解决金属空气电池的停机腐蚀问题。以铝箔为负极搭建结构改进前后的金属空气电池单池进行间断性恒流放电来测试电池停机寿命,并通过失重实验、析氢损耗测试实验对电池负极的停机腐蚀情况进行定量研究。结果显示,当负极为0.25 mm厚铝箔时,金属空气电池结构改进前后的停机寿命分别为4和21 d;改进结构后的金属空气电池负极在相同时间内的停机腐蚀量远小于常规金属空气电池负极;对单池而言,产生固液分离所需的氢气只需要消耗约0.0380 g的铝,约为一般商用铝负极的0.038%。 The metal anode of the metal-air battery is in contact with the electrolyte during the shutdown and the corrosion occurs,which seriously affects the shelf life of the metal-air battery.Through the simple improvement of the structure of the conventional metal-air battery,the shutdown corrosion problem of metal-air batteries is solved by using the Kipp′s apparatus principle so that the metal-air battery can last longer.The single cells of metal-air battery before and after the structural improvement were constructed with aluminum foil as the metal anode and the intermittent constant current discharge was carried out to test the shutdown life of the battery.The shutdown corrosion situation of the anode was quantitatively studied by the mass loss experiment and the hydrogen evolution loss experiment.The results show that when 0.25 mm thick aluminum foil is used as the metal anode,the shutdown life of metal-air battery before and after structural improvement is 4 and 21 days,respectively.The anode corrosion rate of the improved metal-air battery is much slower than that of the conventional metal-air battery.For a single battery,only about 0.0380 g of aluminum is needed to generate the hydrogen required for solid-liquid separation,which is about 0.038%of the general commercial aluminum anode.
作者 王江辉 WANG Jianghui(College of Materials Science and Engieering,Anhui University of Technology,Ma′anshan,Anhui 243000,China)
出处 《应用化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期1093-1098,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry
基金 2018年安徽工业大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201810360186)资助。
关键词 金属空气电池 停机腐蚀 启普发生器原理 固液分离 metal-air batteries shutdown corrosion Kipp′s apparatus principle solid-liquid separation
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