It is at the cost of body that Mou Zongsan has established his ontology.Mou s ignorance of body,meanwhile,is a hidden clue for us to re-interpret the mystery of his ontology.Clarifying the relationship between“existence”(存在)and“being”(存有)constitutes the preparatory work for puzzle solving.Starting from this,the difficulty of Mou Zongsan s ontology can be expressed as:the fractured upward movement of NiJueTiZheng(逆觉体证)from existence to Being does not constitute a continuous straight upward path corresponding to the downward course of Xinti.That is to say,his theory of ontology does not contain a circle initially required and promised by the consistence of virtue and fortune,of XinTi(心体)and XingTi(性体).However,the fracture within the appearing meaning of Xinti precisely stipulates the“return”of the Xinti to Shenti(身体).Given the reciprocal ambiguity of touching and being touched,seeing and being seen,feeling and being felt,in the true ontological sense Shenti reveals the complete circle required by the Xinti,that is,the cyclical unity relationship between the Xin(心)and the Wu(物),and the human and the world.With such bodily-ontology,the vacancy of the body in Mou s theory is no longer a radical nothingness,but an“ab-sence”,a non-appearing relative to the direct manifestation.This“non-appearing”is also the capability of appearing in the ontological sense,that is,the capability of making the appearing of Xinti as presence here and now.So,we can say,the body is a more profound dimension referred by the presence of Xinti,might appear thematically as a profile and could merge with Mou s profile into the one unity.
Journal of Social Sciences