
肺结核防治知识健康教育处方对大学新生肺结核防治知识、态度、行为的影响 被引量:8

The influence of health education prescription on tuberculosis prevention knowledge,attitude and behavior of freshmen
摘要 目的探讨肺结核防治知识健康教育处方对大学新生肺结核防治知识、态度、行为的影响,掌握大学新生对该疾病的了解程度,为制定相应干预措施提供科学依据。方法在新生开学1 w后,向其发放肺结核防治知识健康教育处方,并通过调查问卷比较发放前后学生对肺结核防治知识、态度、行为的正确率及学生在入学前获取相关知识的途径。结果肺结核主要症状及传播途径在发放肺结核防治知识健康教育处方前后,均较高且差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),同时,学生对其余知识掌握程度均有所提高,且与发放前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),学生在发放肺结核防治知识健康教育处方后,对该疾病的防治态度及行为也显著提高,与发放前相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且在"希望进一步了解肺结核相关知识"、"结核病治疗后能够痊愈"等态度及"与结核病患者接触后,是否主动筛检"、"冬季注意室内通风"及"公共场所是否随地吐痰"等行为方面,其正确率达90%以上,另外,学生在入校前获取结核病相关知识的来源以宣传资料为主,占71.08%,之后为电视及网络,分别占其55.40%及52.36%,与其他获取渠道相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论向大学新生发放肺结核防治知识健康教育处方,能够有效提高其对肺结核防治知识、态度、行为的掌握情况,进而能够在一定程度上避免校园内肺结核爆发等事件的发生,意义重大。 Objective To explore the influence of health education prescription of tuberculosis prevention knowledge on the knowledge,attitude and behavior of tuberculosis prevention of freshmen,to grasp the degree of understanding of the disease of freshmen,and to provide scientific basis for making corresponding intervention measures.Methods One week after the beginning of the new semester,health education prescriptions of tuberculosis prevention knowledge were distributed to freshmen,and questionnaires were used to compare the correct rate of knowledge,attitude and behavior of tuberculosis prevention and treatment of students before and after the distribution,as well as the ways that students acquired relevant knowledge before admission.Results The main symptoms and transmission routes of tuberculosis were higher before and after the health education prescription of tuberculosis prevention knowledge was issued,and the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05).At the same time,students'mastery of the rest of the knowledge was improved,and the difference was statistically significant compared with that before the distribution(P<0.05).The students'attitude and behavior towards tuberculosis prevention and treatment were also significantly improved after they were given the health education prescription of tuberculosis prevention knowledge,and the difference was statistically significant compared with before they were given the prescription(P<0.05).In addition,the accuracy rate reached more than 90%in such attitudes as"hope to further understand the knowledge related to tuberculosis","tuberculosis can be cured after treatment"and"whether to actively screen after contact with tuberculosis patients","pay attention to indoor ventilation in winter"and"whether to spit in public places".In addition,the sources of tuberculosis-related knowledge acquired by students before admission were mainly publicity materials,accounting for 71.08%,followed by TV and Internet,accounting for 55.40%and 52.36%,respectively.The difference was statistically significant compared with other access channels(P<0.05).Conclusions It is of great significance to distribute tuberculosis prevention knowledge and health education prescription to university freshmen,which can effectively improve their knowledge,attitude and behavior of tuberculosis prevention and control,and thus prevent the occurrence of tuberculosis outbreak on campus to a certain extent.
作者 陈嵘 梁晟楠 林小兰 Chen Rong;Liang Shengnan;Lin Xiaolan(Outpatient Service,Zhongkai College of Agriculture and Engineering Hospital,Guangzhou 510225,China)
出处 《国际护理学杂志》 2020年第18期3263-3267,共5页 international journal of nursing
关键词 肺结核防治 健康教育 Tuberculosis control Health education
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