
农村居民公共阅读低度参与归因分析——来自湖北省77个行政村的调查 被引量:21

The Attribution Analysis of Low Participation in Public Reading among Rural Residents:A Survey from 77 Administrative Villages in Hubei Province
摘要 在促进全民阅读和乡村文化振兴的时代背景下,鼓励和引导农村居民参与阅读备受学界和业界关注,而当前农村居民对于公共阅读却呈现出低度参与的特征。本文借鉴凯利的归因理论,通过对湖北省77个行政村的问卷调查和实地访谈,分析农村居民公共阅读低度参与的行动者、刺激物和外在情境三维原因。研究发现:影响农村居民低度参与的原因复杂多样,既可能是单一的行动者因素或刺激物因素,也可能是行动者、刺激物两者复合归因,行动者、外在情境两者复合归因或行动者、刺激物和外在情境三者的复合归因;三者间虽具有内外因之别和层次递进结构,但多与内在的行动者自身因素有关,因而行动者因素尤其需要引起重视。建议:要在行动者层面激发和增强农村居民公共阅读的内生需求;在刺激物层面探索刺激物的合作生产模式,优化资源配置并创新有效刺激手段;在外在情境层面形塑良好的公共阅读文化氛围,激发农村居民参与公共阅读的积极性。图1。表4。参考文献37。 Public reading is a government-led project that benefits people,and can protect the public cultural rights and interests of residents.Since the implementation of the Nationwide Book-Reading Campaign in 2006,China’s reading rate has been effectively improved.However,compared with urban areas,the reading rate of rural residents is still not high,and rural public reading shows the characteristics of low participation.At present,there are many research results about rural reading difficulty or low participation in the academic circle.In the attribution analysis,there are three different theoretical viewpoints:resource determinism,management determinism and information demand determinism,and each of the three attributions has not only its own rationality but also certain attribution bias,which can not completely explain the current rural reading problems.Therefore,through questionnaire survey and field interviews on public reading in 77 administrative villages in Hubei Province,this paper uses Kelly’s cube theory for reference and tries to establish a comprehensive attribution model of rural residents with low participation in public reading,including actors,stimulus,and external situations.The research results show that among the reasons that affect the low participation of rural residents,reading ability,reading cognition and reading effort are the three main actor factors;the stimulus object and the stimulus means are the two stimulus influencing factors,and the metaphysical practical values and the physical cultural life practice are the two basic external situations.In the attribution results,the threedimensional causes that affect the low participation of rural residents have internal and external causes and a hierarchical progressive structure.The causes may be single or compound,but most of them are related to the factors of the actors themselves,so the factors of the actors need to be paid special attention.Therefore,in the action strategy of promoting rural residents’public reading behavior,it is necessary to stimulate and strengthen the endogenous demand of rural residents’public reading at the actors level,explore the cooperative production mode of stimulus at the stimulation level,optimize the allocation of resources and innovation of effective means of stimulation,and shape a good public reading culture atmosphere at the external context level.Attribution theory is mainly used for the attribution of individual behavior,but this paper uses this theory for the attribution analysis of group behavior.There are some theoretical limitations,which may not completely reflect the causes of each individual.However,this paper,by using Kelly’s cube theory,establishes a relatively comprehensive and overall attribution model,which can better explain the current rural reading problem.At the same time,specific strategies and suggestions are proposed for the three dimensions attributions,which provide important references for the promotion of rural residents’participation in public reading and have important practical significance.1 fig.4 tabs.37 refs.
作者 陈庚 胡雅纯 CHEN Geng;HU Yachun
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期36-53,共18页 Journal of Library Science in China
基金 湖北省社科联中国调查项目“湖北省农家书屋状况调查”(编号:ZGDC201910)的研究成果之一。
关键词 农村居民 公共阅读 低度参与 农家书屋 阅读文化 Rural residents Public reading Low participation Farmers’reading room Reading culture
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