Buckling-restrained braced frames(BRBFs) are vulnerable to relatively higher post-earthquake residual drifts under high intensity ground shakings. This is primarily due to the low axial elastic and post-elastic stiffness of bucklingrestrained braces(BRBs) satisfying the design force demand requirements. In the present study, a hybrid buckling restrained bracing system consisting of a short yielding core length BRB component and a conventional buckling-type brace component connected in series has been developed with an aim to increase the axial stiffness of braces. This study is focused on the experimental investigation of six hybrid bucking restrained braces(HBRBs) to investigate their overall behavior, loadresisting capacity, strength-adjustment factors and energy dissipation potential. The main parameters varied are the crosssectional area, the yielding length of core elements as well as the detailing of buckling-restraining system of short yielding core length BRBs. Test results showed that the HBRBs with yielding core length in the range of 30% of work-point to workpoint lengths withstood an axial strain of 6% without any instability and can deliver stable and balanced hysteretic response and excellent energy dissipation under reversed cyclic loading conditions.
Department of Science and Technology,Govt. of India for the financial assistance to carry out this experimental work under sponsored project No. IITD/IRD/RP02619。