
基于生命周期理论的高校学习困难学生帮扶策略 被引量:2

Strategies for Helping Students with Learning Difficulties in Colleges and Universities Based on the Life Cycle Theory
摘要 基于生命周期理论,将高校学习困难学生的发生发展过程分为萌芽期、生长期、稳定期和消退期/衰亡期几个阶段,揭示了大学生在学业生命周期各阶段学习困难的显著特征:在萌芽期,学生日常行为存在偏轨但隐蔽性较强,不易识别;在生长期,学习困难学生挂科门数剧增,学业困难学生总人数激增,但学生学习能力尚可,对学习尚有信心;在稳定期,学生负重前行,学业上徘徊不前,自我认可度低,面临较大思想和心理压力;在消退期/衰亡期,学业困难学生或经过自己的不懈努力和外界有效的帮扶而脱困,或学业水平始终没有得到有效改观而退学。针对学习困难学生在不同阶段的学业行为特征,对其在萌芽期的帮扶策略之关键在于预防与发现;在生长期的帮扶策略重点应在于帮助学生科学归因,再根据归因结论制定具体帮扶方案,并建立详细的学习困难学生档案;在稳定期的帮扶策略应当帮助学生重拾学习信心,调整和改变影响自我效能感形成的因素,以提高其自我效能感,改进习得性无助;在消退期的帮扶策略重点在于保持和跟进,保持现有有效帮扶措施,待学习困难学生的学业水平显著提升后,实时跟进定期加以关注并给予适当的正向激励,从而防止其再次出现学业波动;在学业衰亡期的帮扶重点是让学生接纳自己、规划未来,尽可能地帮助学生寻求后续的人生发展之路。 Based on the life cycle theory,the worsening process of college students learning difficulties can be divided into the bud stage,the growth period,the stable period and the fading/declining stage,the study reveals that the learning activity characteristics of the college students in academic learning difficulties at all stages of life cycle are as follows:in the bud,the students'daily learning behavior falls disordered slightly and may be concealed,and that is not easy to discover.In the growing period,the number of failing courses of students with learning difficulties increases sharply,and the total number of students with learning difficulties increases quickly,but the students'learning ability is no problem,and they have confidence in learning.In the stable period,the students move forward with loads,linger in their studies,have low self-recognition,and have to face great ideological and psychological pressure.In the fading/declining period,the students with academic difficulties either get out of difficulties through their own unremitting efforts and effective help from the externals,or their academic level has not been effectively improved and they drop out.According to the behavior characteristics of the students with learning difficulties in different stages of academic,in the bud,the key strategy of our help for them is to find their problems and prevent it.In the growth period,right support strategy should focus on helping students find cause,then work out concrete support plan on the basis of the conclusions,and establish the detailed learning difficulties students archives.In the stable period,the support strategy should be to help students regain confidence,adjust and change the factors affecting the formation of self-efficacy,to enhance their self-efficacy,improve the learned helplessness.In the fading period,the support strategy is to maintain and follow up those help for the students,and keep the existing effective support measures,after the academic level of students with learning difficulties is significantly improved,timely follow-up and regular attention should be paid to them and appropriate positive incentives should be given,so as to prevent their learning fluctuations from occurring again.In the decline period,the focus of assistance is to let students accept themselves,plan for the future,and help students seek for subsequent life development as much as possible.
作者 曲帅锋 QU Shuai-feng(School of Automobile Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,Hubei,China)
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第3期130-136,共7页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助课题“高校低年级学生学业困难成因及帮扶体系研究”(2020VI127) 武汉理工大学学生工作研究项目“基于个案访谈的学业困难学生帮扶措施研究”(2019XQ05)。
关键词 高校 大学生 学习困难 学业失败 生命周期理论 帮扶策略 colleges and universities college students learning difficulties learning failure the Theory of Life Cycle support strategy
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