
跨文化传播理论视角下的中南亚地区安全合作机制 被引量:1

Regional Security Cooperation in South and Central Asia from the Perspective of CrossCultural Communications Theory
摘要 当前中南亚地区呈现出多种安全合作机制共存的局面。一方面各种安全合作机制越来越朝着多元化、专业化的方向发展;另一方面诸多安全合作机制的边界逐渐模糊,呈现出重叠、竞争、无序的趋势,出现了安全合作机制复杂化、混乱化的现象。基于跨文化传播理论的分析发现,存在多种安全文化与安全观且对安全合作机制有重要影响、文化共性的缺失与跨文化传播受阻、安全文化价值取向存在偏差、文化间性问题被忽略等,是造成中南亚地区安全合作机制复杂化、混乱化的主要原因,降低了地区安全合作的制度化水平,加剧了安全合作机制的复杂性,对中南亚地区安全治理构成了严峻的挑战。 Many different mechanisms for security cooperation exist across South and Central Asia,and on one level these institutions are developing in the direction of becoming more dynamic and specialized.On another level,the boundaries between various security cooperation mechanisms has been blurred,such that there is overlap,competition,or even chaotic interactions between them,resulting in an increasingly complex landscape when it comes to security cooperation.Applying crosscultural communications theories to the study of this phenomenon,we find that the coexistence of different forms of security cultures and security perspectives has profound impact on mechanisms for security cooperation.The lack of common cultural characteristics and barriers in crosscultural communications,differences in values with respect to strategic culture,and a lack of awareness between cultures are all factors contributing to the complexity and chaotic nature of South and Central Asian security cooperation.These factors further result in lower levels of institutionalization of security cooperation,thereby further adding to the complexity of the security landscape,and presenting grave challenges for South and Central Asian security governance.
作者 朱永彪 苗肖阳 Zhu Yongbiao;Miao Xiaoyang
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2020年第3期92-107,158,159,共18页 South Asian Studies
基金 2019年兰州大学“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助”(项目编号:2019JBKY JD018)的阶段性成果,同时受到2019年教育部国别和区域研究课题支持。
关键词 中南亚 安全合作机制 跨文化传播 安全治理 South and Central Asia Security Cooperation Mechanism CrossCultural Communications Security Governance
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