设计的“有效性”一直是甲乙双方都特别关注的问题。近日,总部位于英国伦敦的国际设计机构—Design Bridge凭借其为英国饮料公司迪阿吉奧(Diageo)所打造的健力士“竖琴啤酒机”项目荣获了“2020年DBA设计有效性大奖”的金奖及全场大奖,同时Design Bridge位列今年的DBA设计有效性大奖设计企业排行榜榜首,足证Design Bridge的“设计有效性”实力。
The“effectiveness”of design has always been an issue that both designers and brand owners have paid great attention to.Recently,the international design agency in London-Design Bridge won a Gold Award and the Grand Prix of DBA Design Effectiveness Awards 2020 with its design for Guinness Harp Fount.Design Bridge is now at the top of this year's DBA league table,which demonstrates the effectiveness of its designs.
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