成功,往往来源于对既定事物的不断质疑——德国高端灯饰品牌Occhio的成功正是如此。上世纪90年代初,在德国慕尼黑经营着“Lichtgalerie”设计灯具专卖店的Axel Meise发现,当时市场上的灯具无论是款式还是色彩都很不协调,作为照明设计师,Axel Meise对这种状况感到很不舒服,他认为每个空间都需要整体、一致的照明解决方案。但是当时市场上并没有针对不同照明需求的整体照明系统,只能使用许多不同的灯具来解决。为此,Axel Meise决定投身整体照明系统的研发,并于1999年创建了Occhio(意大利语,意为“眼睛”)品牌,开始为家居和商业环境研发全面的多功能模块化照明系统。
Success is often the result of consistently questioning existing answers.This was also the case with Occhio.In the early 1990s,as the owner of the"Lichtgalerie",a specialty store for design luminaires in Munich,Axel Meise,in his work as a lighting designer,felt annoyed by the clash of styles and colors that dominated the market.He believes that every room situation requires a specific lighting solution,but at that time this could only be realized with many different luminaires,as there was no consistent lighting system on the market.Therefore,Axel Meise decided to devote himself to developing comprehensive luminaire systems for the home and commercial settings and then introduced Occhio(Italian for"eye")in 1999.
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