
汉语自由间接话语英译的译者行为研究——以葛浩文英译《骆驼祥子》为例 被引量:7

A Translator Behavior Criticism Approach to the Translation of Chinese Free Indirect Discourse into English:A Case Study of Rickshaw Boy,Translated by Howard Goldblatt
摘要 自由间接话语蕴含双重声音,叙事内容和转述形式具有一定的特殊性,其英译关涉表征内容和表征方式两个维度。本文以葛浩文英译《骆驼祥子》为例,探讨汉语自由间接话语英译的译者行为规律。研究发现,汉语自由间接话语的英译总体上体现了译者内容“求真”、形式“务实”的译内行为以及形式“求真”、内容“务实”的译外行为。译者受语言性因素和社会性因素的影响制约,力求从内容与形式两个维度维系自由间接话语译文求真度和务实度之间的动态平衡,以确保译文的合理度。译者行为批评视域下的自由间接话语英译研究拓宽了话语表征翻译研究的思路,同时对中国小说转述话语翻译实践具有一定的指导意义。 Embodying double voices,free indirect discourse is characterized by narrative contents and reported forms,both of which should be given attention during its translation.The present study focuses on translator behavior in the translation of Chinese free indirect discourse into English based on Rickshaw Boy,as translated by Howard Goldblatt.The findings show that in the translation of Chinese free indirect discourse into English,the translator’s behavior can mainly be classified into an intratranslational category,with truth-seeking in contents and utility-attaining in forms,and an extra-translational category,with truth-seeking in forms and utility-attaining in contents.With intra-translational behavior,the translator may retain the free indirect reported form or replace it with indirect reported discourse,direct reported discourse and narrative report,as a result of focusing on intra-linguistic elements.As for extratranslational behavior,he may employ target language expressions to imitate the source discourse,alter the original semantic gravity,add or omit the source content or adapt the original semantic intensity to attain utility in contents for the sake of the target readers.Considering the linguistic elements and the social context,the translator focuses on the dynamic balance between the degree of truth-seeking and utilityattaining in represented contents and reported forms to promote the rationality of the English version.From the perspective of translator behavior,this paper broadens and deepens the theoretical study of the translation of discourse representation,while also providing guidance for translating reported discourses in Chinese novels.
作者 潘冬 Pan Dong(College of Liberal Arts,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,China;School of Foreign Languages,Xuzhou University of Technology,Xuzhou 221018,China)
出处 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2020年第3期58-70,共13页 Journal of Beijing International Studies University
基金 江苏省社会科学应用研究精品工程外语类课题“中国现当代小说转述话语英译批评研究”(项目编号:18SWB-31) 扬州大学研究生科研创新计划项目“老舍小说中自由转述话语英译批评研究”(项目编号:XKYCX17_005)阶段性成果 江苏高校境外研修计划项目资助成果
关键词 葛浩文 骆驼祥子 自由间接话语 译者行为 行为动因 Howard Goldblatt Rickshaw Boy free indirect discourse translator behavior motivation
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