

The effect of advanced intervention on the cognitive concept of maternal feeding
摘要 目的将喂养理念认知健康管理工作前移到认知初始的孕早期,评价对孕产妇及婴儿生长发育的成效力。方法通过孕早期多种干预措施后,统计分析干预前后按需方式喂养组、父母引导式喂养组、按时方式喂养组分布占比情况,统计分析婴儿0、1、3、6月龄身长、体重的生长发育情况。结果干预后按需方式组及父母引导方式组分别增加8.22%(74人)和30.82%(340人),按时方式组降低46.04%(414人)。自3月龄始按时喂养组生长曲线均位于P65之上,P97位点之上比例较大,父母引导式喂养生长曲线大部分位于P65-97之间,P97位点之上比例较小,按需方式组生长曲线全部位于P45-97之间,小部分在生长曲线P50位下之下,父母引导式喂养较其他两种喂养方式更为合理。早期干预工作对婴儿的生长发育起到引导作用,对婴儿期超重的纠偏干预效果显著。结论在喂养理念形成初始阶段的孕早期干预工作路径的开展,可减少喂养理念选择盲从性,提升孕产妇主观能动性和预防保健措施依从性,及时发现早期生长发育异常,运用纠偏措施引导正常生长速度,同时也提示婴儿超重的纠偏工作是社区儿童健康管理工作的着重点,在孕早期进行的喂养理念认知干预是一套行之有效的工作方法。 Objective:To advance the health management of feeding concepts to the first trimester of cognition of feeding concepts,and to evaluate the effectiveness of the growth and development of pregnant women and infants.Methods:After a variety of interventions in the first trimester,statistics and analysis of the distributions before and after the intervention of the on-demand feeding group,the parent-guided feeding group,and the regular feeding group was made.The growth and development of 0,1,3,6-month-old infants were also analyzed statistically.Results:After the intervention,the on-demand group,and parent-guided group increased by 8.22%(74)and 30.82%(340)respectively,and the on-time group decreased by 46.04%(414 persons).The growth rate of the baby's weight and body length in the feeding group were greater than those in parent-guided feeding group,and the latter were also greater than those in the on-demand feeding group.The growth curves of the feeding group starting from 3 months old were all above P65,and the ratio above P97 was higher.The growth curves of parent-guided feeding were mostly between P65-97,and the proportion above P97 was small.The growth curves of the on-demand group were all between P45-97 and a small part was below P50.Early intervention work played a leading role in the growth and development of infants.The parent-guided feeding was more reasonable than the other two feeding methods,and the effect of correcting intervention for overweight in infants was significant.Conclusion:The development of the first trimester intervention work path in the initial stage of the formation of the feeding concept can reduce the blind compliance of feeding concept selection,improve the subjective initiative of pregnant women and the compliance of preventive health care measures,detect early growth and development abnormalities in time,and use corrective measures to guide normal growth rate.At the same time,it also reminds us that the correction of overweight is the focus of future child health management.The method of cognitive intervention feeding concepts in the first trimester is effective.
作者 杭洪霞 袁洪丽 HANG Hong-xia;YUAN Hong-li(Wenhua Road Community Health Service Center,Zaozhuang Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Zaozhuang 277100,China)
出处 《泰山医学院学报》 CAS 2020年第9期674-678,共5页 Journal of Taishan Medical College
关键词 干预前移 喂养理念 按时喂养 按需哺乳 父母引导式喂养 advance intervention feeding concept on-time feeding on-demand feeding parent-guided feeding
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