个体对与自我相关的刺激加工更快、更准确,被称为自我优势效应(self-prioritization effects)。本文从实验刺激形式的角度将自我优势效应的研究分为两类:一类是自我优势效应的直接研究,研究中使用的实验刺激本身就属于自我的一部分;另一类是自我优势效应的间接研究,实验多以几何图形为刺激材料,与自我进行匹配。研究证明了面孔、声音加工中自我优势的存在,与自我结合的其他信息,即自我派生信息也存在加工优势。文章也对未来研究进行了分析。
Individuals prefer self-related stimuli.There is a processing advantage to self-related stimuli.People respond more quickly and accurately to self-related stimuli,known as the self-prioritization effects.Self-prioritization is reflected in face recognition,which is faster and more accurate than recognizing other people’s faces.Self-prioritization also manifests itself in voice recognition.The self-prioritization also exists in external stimuli that are not directly related to the self.Reviewing the literature,it is found that the research perspectives on the self-prioritization effect are quite different.In this paper,it is considered that it is appropriate to classify the self-prioritization effect from the perspective of the form of experimental stimulus.The research methods of selfprioritization effect are further divided into two categories.One is the direct study of self-prioritization effect.In this kind of research,the experimental stimuli themselves are part of the self,such as one’s face and voice.The other is the indirect method of self-prioritization effect.In this kind of research,geometric figures are mainly used as experimental stimuli to match the self,friends and others,such as triangles representing oneself and circles representing friends.The study found that processing your own faces and voices was faster and more accurate than processing the faces and voices of friends and others.This prioritization effect may be due to the fact that the picture is of you,or to the fact that you are more familiar with your picture.But exactly what is at work is unclear.The research also found that self-related stimulation also has a certain advantage effect.Compared with processing other stimuli,processing self-related stimuli is faster and more accurate.This suggests that the self-prioritization effect can be extended to self-related stimuli.Researchers have also studied the neural mechanisms underlying the self-prioritization effects.The self-prioritization effect was found to be associated with activation of the right and left fusiform gyrus.Self-face recognition also involves right hemisphere brain regions associated with face recognition memory and left hemisphere brain regions associated with self-prioritization attention regulation.Matching the shape of the self to the label activated left posterior superior temporal sulcus(LpSTS)and ventral prefrontal cortex(vmPFC).Under the condition of self-shape and self-label mismatch,self-label can activate both vmPFC and LpSTS brain regions.The self shape only activated the LpSTS brain region.There are still some questions about the self-prioritization effects that deserve researchers’attention.For example,how the self-prioritization effect is processed under auditory stimuli;It is not clear whether the processing advantage of the self-related stimulus has the same mechanism as the processing advantage of the self;The cause of the self-prioritization effect itself is not yet settled.Therefore,future research needs to address:first,whether there is a difference between the self-prioritization effect obtained by using indirect method and direct method.Secondly,the research on the self-prioritization effect mainly focuses on the visual channel,and whether the self-prioritization effect has a cross-model promotion effect.Third,whether the self-prioritization effect can be extended to external auditory stimuli.Fourth,what factors are responsible for the self-prioritization effect.
Gao Min;Sui Xue;Chang Ruosong(Department of Psychology,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian,116029)
Journal of Psychological Science
self-prioritization effects
associative learning