
听障大学生句子阅读中语音加工的眼动研究 被引量:8

Phonological Processing During Sentence Reading in Deaf College Students:An Eye-Tracking Study
摘要 语音信息在健听者阅读中起着重要作用,由于听觉经验的缺失,听障者在阅读中能否利用语音信息进行词汇识别?目前的研究结果尚存在争议。本研究采用错误中断范式,通过眼动追踪技术考察了24名听障大学生在汉语句子阅读中的语音加工。结果发现,听障大学生的表现与两组健听学生相似,在句子阅读中能够利用语音信息,但在时间进程上相比健听学生存在延迟。听障大学生的口语能力影响语音加工,口语熟练者能够有效地利用语音信息进行词汇识别,口语不熟练者则不能。 Reading is an important tool for human’s daily life and communication.However,most of the deaf readers have great difficulty in learning to read,and the literacy development of average deaf readers is delayed compared with their hearing peers.As phonological information plays an important role in reading for hearing students,a lack of hearing experience has been considered as a leading factor that results in lower reading efficiency in the deaf.The experimental findings regarding phonological processing in deaf readers are controversial.Some studies have found that deaf readers activate phonological information during reading in the same way as hearing readers,while other studies have not found that deaf readers activate phonological information.Previous studies have mainly used isolated word recognition task,such task may not necessarily reflect the cognition processing associated with normal reading.Recently,some studies have recorded the eye movements of deaf readers to investigate phonological processing during natural sentence reading in alphabetic writing systems.There is a distinction between Chinese and alphabetic writing systems.Compared with alphabetic writing systems,Chinese is a writing system with deep orthography.The orthography-phonology mapping of Chinese characters is not always consistent.To date,few studies have investigated the phonological processing in Chinese deaf readers during sentence reading.In the present study,we examine whether Chinese deaf students use phonological information during sentence reading with error disruption paradigm.In this paradigm,participants read each sentence with either a correctly spelled word(e.g.He wore blue jeans),a homophone(e.g.He wore blew jeans)or a spelling control word(e.g.He wore blow jeans).The rationale of this paradigm is that,substitutions(e.g.,homophones),which preserve similar features with the correctly spelled word,should be less disruptive to reading than for spelling control words,to the extent that readers rely on certain features(e.g.phonology)to aid in reading.The design was a 3(groups:deaf college students,chronological age-matched students(CA),reading age-matched students(RA))×3(target words:correctly spelled words,homophones,unrelated words)mixed design.The deaf college students were aged 17.92~22.83 years with a hearing loss above 80 dB in their better ear and none had received a cochlear implant.The CA control group was matched to the deaf college students on chronological age and IQ.The RA control group was matched to the deaf college students on reading ability and IQ.24 students in each group participated in the experiment.Their eye movements were recorded with Eyelink1000 plus eye tracker.The results showed that processing of phonology in deaf college students is less efficient in comparison to both hearing controls.Deaf college students showed a homophone advantage in total reading time,while both hearing controls had already showed a homophone advantage in regression path time.Furthermore,oral language affected the use of phonological information in deaf college students.Deaf college students who were proficient in oral showed a homophone advantage in total reading time,whereas deaf college students who were less proficient in oral language did not show a homophone advantage in all eye movement data.These results supported that deaf college students who were proficient in oral language could use phonological information during sentence reading,while deaf college students who were less proficient in oral language could not use.
作者 兰泽波 梁晓伟 王正光 姜琨 孟珠 闫国利 Lan Zebo;Liang Xiaowei;Wang Zhengguang;Jiang Kun;Meng Zhu;Yan Guoli(Academy of Psychology and Behavior,Tianjin Normal University,Key Research Base of Humanities and Social of the Ministry of Education,Tianjin,300074;Technical College for the Deaf,Tianjin University of Technology,Tianjin,300384)
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期997-1003,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(16BYY074)的资助。
关键词 听障大学生 句子阅读 语音加工 眼动 deaf college students sentence reading phonological processing eye movement
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