
基于PDA的我国高校图书馆中文纸质资源建设模式构建 被引量:2

Construction of Chinese Paper Resources Construction Mode of University Library in China Based on PDA
摘要 读者决策采购对图书馆的内涵及馆藏资源的价值进行了重新定义,使读者真正参与到资源采购实践。本文分析了读者决策采购的概念及实施读者决策采购的组织保障,构建了我国高校图书馆实施中文纸质资源的主要PDA模式,为陷入资源建设困境的图书馆提供了新的解决路径。 Patron-driven acquisition redefines the connotation of library and the value of collection resources,so that readers can really participate in the practice of resources purchasing.This paper analyzes the concept of patron-driven acquisition and the organizational guarantee of implementing patron-driven acquisition,and constructs the main PDA mode of Chinese paper resources implemented by university libraries in China,which provides a new path of solution for the library in the dilemma of resources construction.
作者 刘春梅 杜宗明 LIU Chun-mei;DU Zong-ming(Library of Xuzhou Medical University,Xuzhou 221004 China)
出处 《科技创新与生产力》 2020年第10期13-16,共4页 Sci-tech Innovation and Productivity
基金 江苏省高校哲学社会科学基金项目(2019SJA0957)。
关键词 读者决策采购 文献资源建设 高校图书馆 patron-driven acquisition literature resources construction university library
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