
从“参与”到“主力”:社会力量如何跨越?——基于广州社区居家养老服务供给的思考 被引量:4

How can Non-goverment Sectors Cross Over the Gap from Participants to Leading Player?--A Study on the Community Home-based Care Service for the Elderly in Guangzhou
摘要 我国居家养老服务取得了长足发展,社会力量参与率快速增长,但却面临着长者获得感不强的质疑。在对广州市长者"大配餐"实践观察的基础上,发现居家养老服务主体多元责任不清,社会资本有参与但未成为供给主力;居家养老服务地域覆盖面广,但供给总量不足、内容错位,形成舆论宣传和服务实际获得的巨大反差。居家养老服务可获得感的提升,关键在于社会力量真正成为居家养老服务的主要承担者,社会资本成为居家养老服务的供给主力,形成居家养老服务共建共享机制。要使社会力量成为居家养老服务主力,就要厘清公共服务市场化本质,统一公共服务市场化相关政策,健全家庭扶助政策及措施,以正向激励社会力量增加公益性服务,挖掘专业型养老服务志愿者潜力,完善多元供给衔接机制,形成养老服务闭环式循环。 The elderly still have a sense of insufficient gains from the home-based care service although the service has achieved great progress and the rate of non-government sectors’participation has grown rapidly in China Recently.Through the observation of"big food preparation"for the elderly in Guangzhou,it shows that there is still a confusion of responsibilities of the elderly home-based care service sectors,and the non-government sectors is participants in the service not main player yet.Home-based service has insufficient supply and inadequate service,which results in a huge gap between the idealized picture promoted by media and the actual service satisfaction.To promote the service satisfaction mainly depends on non-government sectors,which should be the mainstay of home-based care service.Social capital should be the main source financially providing support for home-based care service,so that a mechanism of shared home-based care service can be established.To make non-government sectors the mainstay of home-based care service,the essence of public service marketlization should be figured out and unified.Policies as well as measures of subsidizing families should be perfected.Thus non-government sectors will be positively encouraged to provide more public services,professional service care volunteers’potentialities will be developed,and a multi-source supply and coordination mechanism will be perfected,all of which will constitute a closed-loop management pattern.
作者 陈宁 CHEN Ning(Management College of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University,Guangzhou 510013,China)
出处 《大连大学学报》 2020年第4期125-131,共7页 Journal of Dalian University
基金 广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划项目(GD16XGL03) 国家社会科学基金重大项目(19ZDA157)。
关键词 居家养老服务供给 社会力量 社会资本 公益性与营利性的平衡 home-based care service non-government sectors social capital balance between public welfare and profitability
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