
裘吉生的生平事略及其主要学术成就 被引量:1

QIU Jisheng’s Life Story and Main Academic Achievements
摘要 [目的]对近代浙江著名医家裘吉生的生平事略及学术成就进行提炼,宣传推广裘氏为中医药事业作出的贡献,弘扬浙派中医。[方法]通过对裘吉生的《三三医书》《珍本医书集成》等著作及其后人撰写的有关裘氏生平的相关文献进行阅读和研究,总结提炼裘氏的生平事迹、主要学术成就,及其对浙江乃至全国的中医药事业所作的贡献。[结果]裘氏生平经历十分丰富,年少多病,自学中医,刻苦钻研中医经典和中药典藉;曾投身革命,后弃政从医;又广收藏书,创办学报医刊;行医绍杭,开设医院,声闻遐迩;并在中医危难之际,参与联络请愿,捍卫中医。其学术成就十分突出,主要体现在重视经典研习而学有本源,重视古籍整理而促进学术传播,重视医德医规以规范言行,重视中医教育以培养人才,重视中西汇通以各取所长,以及重视临证经验总结而提倡实践应用等。裘氏不仅继承了传统,发扬了学术,还不断创新,振兴了中医,为中医药事业作出了诸多贡献。[结论]裘氏为浙派中医近代著名的代表医家,热爱中医,关心中医事业的发展,办学办刊,开设医院,重视中西汇通,又为中医古籍的整理出版作出巨大贡献,其生平事迹突出,学术成就非凡,值得总结发扬。 [Objective]To refine the famous traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)expert in modern Zhejiang QIU Jisheng’s life story and academic achievements,publicize QIU’s contributions to TCM and carry forward the Zhejiang school of TCM.[Methods]Through reading and researching QIU’s related works such as"San San Medical Books""Integration of Precious Medical Books"and others,and related literature written by his descendants,QIU’s life story,contributions and main academic achievements of TCM in Zhejiang and even the whole country were refined and summarized.[Results]QIU had a very rich life experience.He was young and sick,became a doctor by self-study,but he studied Chinese medicine classics and pharmacopoeia assiduously.He devoted himself to the revolution before quitting politics to become a doctor.He collected books extensively and found medical journals.He practiced medicine in Shaoxing and Hangzhou and was well-known for opening hospitals.What’s more,when Chinese medicine in distress,he had contacted petitions and defended Chinese medicine.Moreover,QIU’s academic achievements were very outstanding,mainly reflected in attaching great importance to studying medical classics and ancient books to learn from the source;to the editing of ancient books to promote academic communication;to medical ethics and medical regulations to regulate doctors’words and deeds;to the education of TCM to cultivate talents;to the confluence of Chinese and Western medicine to make good use of each strength;to summarizing clinical experience to promote practical,etc.QIU’s not only inherited traditions developed academics,but also constantly innovated,revitalized Chinese medicine and made many contributions to the TCM career.[Conclusion]QIU’s was a well-known representative medical practitioner of the Zhejiang school of modern Chinese medicine,who loved TCM and cared about the development of TCM.He had run schools and journals,opened hospitals,attached great importance to the confluence of Chinese and western medicine,and made great contributions to the collation and publication of ancient Chinese medicine books.His life deeds are outstanding and his academic achievements are extraordinary,which is worth summing up and carrying forward.
作者 何怡 张心平 张睿 郑红斌 HE Yi;ZHANG Xinping;ZHANG Rui(Zhejiang Chinese Medical University,Hangzhou(310053),China)
机构地区 浙江中医药大学
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2020年第9期891-894,898,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
基金 浙江文化研究工程项目(17WH20017-5Z)。
关键词 裘吉生 生平 学术成就 三三医书 珍本医书集成 浙派中医 近代名医 中西汇通 QIU Jisheng life story academic achievements San San Medical Books Integration of Precious Medical Books Zhejiang school of Chinese medicine modern famous doctor confluence of Chinese and western medicine
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