
海外藏对鹿纹挂锦所见丝绸之路多元文化交融 被引量:3

The Multicultural Integration of Silk Road Seen by Overseas Tibetan Deer Pattern Embroidery
摘要 2019年7月3日至10月22日在敦煌莫高窟举办的"丝绸之路上的文化交流:吐蕃时期艺术珍品展"中有两件罕见、织造工艺极高的大幅联珠纹团窠对鹿纹挂锦,第一件为美国芝加哥普利兹克收藏,第二件系瑞士阿贝格基金会纺织品研究中心所藏。这两件挂锦主要为装饰吐蕃赞普以及吐蕃贵族的行帐所用。笔者认为,两件联珠纹团窠对鹿纹挂锦产地在中亚,而非敦煌等地,并推测其产地极有可能就是中亚粟特布哈拉(安国)附近的赞丹尼村落。这两件挂锦既保持了联珠纹团窠、对鹿颈项上有飘扬绶带这一萨珊波斯风格,又吸纳了多见于敦煌唐代壁画中的卷草纹、宝相花等样式,两件挂锦既符合敦煌文书中记载的"番锦"的特点,又与"赞丹尼奇"的风格特征完全吻合,很有可能敦煌文书中之"番锦"就是粟特之"赞丹尼奇"。吐蕃时期青藏高原的许多文物,既有中原汉文化影响的痕迹,又有来自于中亚、西亚的文化遗痕,这都充分展示出吐蕃时期丝绸之路多元文化的互动与交融频繁这一时代特征。 In the"Cultural Exchange on the Silk Road: Exhibition of Art Treasures of the Tubo Period"held at the Dunhuang Grottos from July 3 to October 22,2019,there exhibited two extremely rare pieces of hanging brocade with a pair of deer pattern in high-weaving quality. The first was in the private collection by Pritzker Family in Chicago,USA,and the second was in the collection at the Textile Research Center of the Abegg Foundation in Switzerland. The two pieces were used to decorate the tents of Tubo king and nobles during their travelling. The author believes that the two pieces of deer-patterned brocade in Central Asia,rather than Dunhuang and other places,more specifically its origin is likely to be the Central Asian village named Zandani,near Bukhara( Anguo) of ancient country of Sogdiana. These two pieces of brocades not only maintain the Sassanian Persian style of linking the bead pattern,and the flying ribbon on the deer neck,but also absorb the curly grass pattern and treasure flowers pattern commonly seen in the Dunhuang murals during the Tang Dynasty. The two pieces of hanging brocade not only conforms to the characteristics of the "Fanjin"style recorded in the Dunhuang documents,but also completely matches the style characteristics of the"Zandanic"style. Many cultural relics of the Tibetan Plateau in the period of Tubo have both the traces of the cultural influence of the Central Plains of the Han Dynasty,and the cultural relics from Central Asia and Western Asia,which fully indicted the characteristics of the times of the interaction and frequent merging of the multiculturalism of the Silk Road during the Tubo period.
作者 郑炳林 朱建军 ZHENG Bing-lin;ZHU-Jian-jun(Institute of Dunhuang Studies,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou,Gansu 730020)
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期21-26,共6页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“敦煌通史”(项目编号:16JJD770024)阶段性成果。
关键词 吐蕃时期 丝绸之路 联珠团窠对鹿纹挂锦 番锦 多元文化交融 Tubo period the Silk Road hanging brocade with a pair of deer pattern Fanjin multicultural integration
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