
中华民族共同体意识的内生性基础研究 被引量:36

Study on the Endogenous Basis of Chinese National Community Consciousness
摘要 谈及中华民族共同体意识,主流理论定位于反身性认知理路,即由外部他者来定位自身。这种理路很好地解释了近代中华民族觉醒的关系情境,然而,关系情境为历史常态,从根本上讲,自我定位之所以具有实质内容,主要还是由内生性基础所决定。中华民族共同体意识具有深厚的内生性基础,这一基础由内生的历史走向、思想面向以及由此形塑的观念取向所打牢,从而形成一种聚小为大、积极向上、团结进步的合力、活力和动力。就中华民族共同体意识生成的内在历史根源而言,最为核心的走向就是在政治形态上由分散林立走向了内聚统一,在文化形态上由儒学正统走向了人民正道,在社会空间形态上由内外对立走向了内外融合,最终形成一个政治文化意义上的共同体。就中华民族共同体意识存续的内在思想底蕴而言,天下一统与大同理想提供了兼容并蓄的理念支撑,忧患意识和中和理念提供了凝聚吸纳的持续动力,经世致用和民本思想则为整个共同体的维系提供了现实基础和合法性来源。就中华民族共同体意识维系的内在结构特征而言,家国同构、多元一体、礼法并重的特征对于共同体意识的贯通性维系、有机性结合、延续性发展而言具有重要的功能性意义。认真审视这套内生性基础,有助于明晰铸牢思路,进一步打牢中华民族共同体的思想观念基础。 When it comes to the Chinese nation’s sense of community,the mainstream theory focuses on the reflexive cognitive approach,i. e. on the self-position from outside others’ perspective. This rational approach explains well the relationship situation of the awakening of the Chinese nation in modern times.However,the relationship situation is the normal state of history. Fundamentally speaking,the reason why self-positioning has substantive content is mainly determined by endogenous basis. The sense of community of the Chinese nation has a profound endogenous foundation,which is firmly rooted in the endogenous historical trend,the ideological orientation and the conceptual orientation thus shaped. Addressing the inner historical roots of the formation of the Chinese nation’s sense of community,the most central trend is as follows: from early civilization to the Chinese Empire,from a hundred schools of thoughts contending to the sole support for orthodoxy,from internal and external opposition to internal and external integration,and finally form a political and cultural sense of community. Addressing the inner thought of the existence of the Chinese national community consciousness,the unity of nation and the ideal of integration provide the inclusive idea support,the awareness for potential disaster and the concept of neutralization provide the continuous motive force of cohesion and absorption,and the active mundane perspective and the people-oriented thought provide the realistic foundation and legitimacy source for the maintenance of the whole community. Addressing the internal structural characteristics of the Chinese nation’s community consciousness,the characteristics of home-state equal structure,unity in diversity and equal emphasis on etiquette and law are of great functional significance to the continuous maintenance, organic combination and continuous development of the community consciousness. A careful examination of this set of endogenous basis will help to clarify the thinking and further strengthen the ideological basis of the Chinese national community.
作者 青觉 QING Jue(Institute of Chinese Ethnic Theory and Policy,Minzu University of China,Beijing 100081)
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期27-34,共8页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金研究阐释党的十九大精神专项项目“中华民族共同体意识研究”(项目编号:18VSJ092)的阶段性成果。
关键词 中华民族 内生性 历史根源 思想基础 观念特征 Chinese nation endogenous historical root ideological basis concept characteristic
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