

A Study on the Exploration of the National Development Path of the Joseon Dynasty in the Late 19th Century——Taking “Lingxuan Envoy”and “Shenshi Inspecting Group”as Examples
摘要 1881年朝鲜王朝分别向清王朝与日本明治政府派出使团,希望通过对先于自己开展近代化革新的清王朝和明治政府进行考察,找出救亡图存的道路。同年10月,"领选使"金允植带领朝鲜学徒团到达了作为洋务运动重镇之一的天津,开始学习洋务。使团围绕清末的洋务运动,与洋务派重臣李鸿章以及相关人员,通过笔谈的方式进行了深入的探讨。同年,朝鲜王朝以相对隐秘的方式,派出约有60名团员的访问团到达长崎。抵日后,团员被分派到日本的各个政府部门,并在日方相关人员的带领下进行了为期三个月的深度考察学习。归国后,团员被分派到开展开化运动的政府部门中。遗憾的是国内及国际的事态却并没有随着朝鲜方面的意愿发展下去。1884年,"甲申事变"的爆发使得开化改良运动遭受重大打击。不过,相比较于"领选使"金允植率领的赴中国学习技能却最终全部撤离的学徒团而言,随"绅士游览团"赴日的俞吉濬和尹致昊最后留在了日本。自此之后,不断有朝鲜学生到日本学习。面对中日两国,朝鲜高宗乃至于整个朝鲜政府一直保持着谨慎的态度,努力与两国进行接触,尽最大可能表现出其理性的主动。只不过这种主动性在转化为对政治、经济、社会进行开化改良运动之时,被片面地极化了,最终,朝鲜王朝还是被日本明治政府不断地拉入其构建的殖民体系中。近代中国的边疆危机进一步深重。 In 1881,the Joseon Dynasty sent visiting teams to the Qing Dynasty and the Meiji Government of Japan respectively,hoping to find out the way to save the nation through inspecting and learning from Qing Dynasty and the Meiji Government, both which had carried out the modernization innovation ahead. In October the same year,an apprenticeship group led by Kim Yoon Sik as the "Lingxuan envoy"( Ryeongsensa),arrived in Tianjin,one of the major cities that had conducted the Westernization Movement,to study the Qing Dynasty ’s westernization attempts. The mission of the team focused on the Westernization Movement at the end of the Qing Dynasty,and made a thorough discussion with Li Hongzhang,then the foreign affairs minister,and related personnel. In the same year,the Joseon Dynasty sent a group of around 60 members of "Shenshi Inspecting Group"( Shinshi Yuran-dan) in a relatively secret way,from Seoul,through Busan,to Nagasaki. Arriving in Japan,members of the delegation were assigned to various government departments in Japan for a three-month in-depth study. After returning back to the country,the members were assigned to the government departments that carried out the campaign of Kaihua( Enlightenment) Movement. However,regretfully,the momentum in domestic and international world did not continue the development trend according to the will of Joseon Dynasty. In 1884,the outbreak of "Gapsin Coup"resulted in a major setback towards the Kaihua Movement. The group that went to China following"Lingshi Envoy"Kim Yoon Sik to learn professional skills,eventually withdrew from China. Differnt from this,Yu Kil Chun and Yun Chi ho who followed the"Shenshi Inspecting Group"to Japan however,eventually stayed in Japan. From then on,more Korean students continued to go and study in Japan. The Korean King Gojeung and the Korean government kept cautious attitude towards China and Japan,and tried their contacts with the two countries,and tried to show its rational initiative as far as possible. However,this initiative was one-sidedly polarized when it was transformed into a political,economic and social reform movement,and finally, the Joseon Dynasty was constantly involved into the colonial system constructed by the Meiji government of Japan. The frontier crisis in modern China gradually deepened.
作者 张晨 于涌泉 ZHANG Chen;YU Yong-quan(Institute of International Relations,China Foreign Affairs University;Department of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs Management,China Foreign Affairs University,Beijing 100037)
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期131-139,共9页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 朝鲜王朝 近代化 领选使 绅士游览团 Joseon Dynasty modernization Lingxuan Envoy Shenshi Inspecting Group
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