
中澳经贸关系需要新视角 被引量:3

A New Perspective Is in Need for the Economic and Trade Relations between China and Australia
摘要 近来,中澳关系全面倒退,两国经贸摩擦增多。政治关系是经贸关系的晴雨表,在中澳政治互信严重受损情况下,两国经贸关系不可避免受到影响。中澳在贸易和投资方面严重不平衡,已经显现两国经贸关系的矛盾。从经贸依存度看,澳大利亚对中国的依赖远远超过中国对澳大利亚的依赖。未来,如果双方的政治互信得不到改善,那么经贸关系前景不容乐观。中澳政治互信关系受到澳大利亚国内政治偏好以及中美竞争关系的影响,如果澳方不能处理好这两组关系,经贸关系的稳定性必然会受到影响。为避免经贸关系继续下滑,双方需要从重建政治互信着手,尤其是澳方要主动作为,释放改善两国关系的积极信号。两国应充分利用现有的合作平台,积累更多的合作成果。同时,两国还应有更广泛的视角,从捍卫自由贸易价值观出发,维护好自由、开放的全球贸易体系,为两国经贸合作创造良好的外部环境。 In recent years,China-Australia relation has retrogressed thoroughly,with an increase of economic and trade frictions.Since political relations are the barometer of economic and trade relations,the economic and trade relations between the two countries are inevitable affected in the situation of serious damage to mutual political trust between the two.The serious imbalance in trade and investment has already showed the contradictions between the two countries in economic and trade relation.From the perspective of economic and trade dependence,the dependence of Australia on China is far greater than that of China on Australia.If the mutual political trust between the two sides has not been improved in the future,the prospect of their economic and trade relations is not optimistic.The mutual political trust between the two is influenced by the domestic preference in Australia as well as by the China-US competitive relation.If Australia fails to deal with these two relations,the stability of economic and trade relations between China and Australia will be affected.In order to avoid further decline in economic and trade relations,both sides need to start from rebuilding their mutual political trust,especially Australia should take the initiative to release positive signals,to improve the bilateral relationship.The two countries should make full use of the cooperation platform in hand to accumulate more cooperation achievements.Meanwhile,the two countries should have a broader view and start from defending the value of free trade to safeguard the free and open system of the global trade,creating a good external environment for the economic and trade cooperation between them.
作者 刘卿 LIU Qing(Asia-Pacific Institute,China Institute of International Studies,Beijing 100002)
出处 《苏州科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第5期30-34,108,共6页 Journal of Suzhou University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 中澳关系 经贸合作 “印太战略” 中美竞争 Sino-Australia relations economic and trade cooperation China-US competition the Indo-Pacific Strategy
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