
极濒危物种天台鹅耳枥群落特征及其与环境因子的关系 被引量:8

Community Characteristics and Their Relations with Environmental Variables of Critically Endangered Species Carpinus tientaiensis
摘要 【目的】天台鹅耳枥是中国特有树种,仅间断分布于浙江省东中部,生境片断化导致天台鹅耳枥分布区变小和相互隔离,天台鹅耳枥已处于极濒危状态。研究天台县和磐安县的天台鹅耳枥天然植物群落特征及其与环境的相关性,以期为科学有效地恢复天台鹅耳枥种群提供依据。【方法】根据野外群体与生境调查数据,采用双向指示种分类法(TWINSPAN)和典范对应分析法(CCA),对天台鹅耳枥群落特征进行数量分析,探讨天台鹅耳枥群落特征及其与环境的相互关系。【结果】研究区域内24个天台鹅耳枥群落样方共记载主要维管植物46种,隶属29科40属;利用主要物种的重要值进行TWINSPAN聚类,将天台鹅耳枥群落划分为7个群丛类型;群落中天台鹅耳枥的优势地位显著,24个样方内出现次数较高的伴生植物分别为阔叶箬竹(17/24)、山橿(9/24)、白檀(9/24)、茅栗(8/24)和柳杉(7/24);对组成群落的种子植物区系地理成分的分析表明,群落暖温带特征显著,热带、亚热带成分占有相当大比重;CCA排序结果可验证TWINSPAN分类结果的合理性,CCA前三轴累计对物种分布与环境因子之间关系的解释率为72.66%,7个群丛类型在环境梯度上分化显著,其中第一轴突出反映海拔梯度(P<0.01)与干扰(P<0.01),第二轴反映坡位和坡度(P<0.01)的变化趋势,Monte Carlo置换检验表明物种与海拔、干扰和坡度间存在极显著相关;天台鹅耳枥群落集中分布于海拔850~1250 m的中低山亚热带常绿阔叶林中,由于生境的丧失和片断化,有些群丛天台鹅耳枥仅剩少量植株,如黄山松-天台鹅耳枥-短柄枹+阔叶箬竹-山橿群丛和天台鹅耳枥-红果钓樟-毛鸡爪槭+阔叶箬竹+金线草群丛等,部分群丛结构变得不完整,如天台鹅耳枥+三叶委陵菜-蕺菜-细风轮菜群丛,仅由乔木层和草本层组成,群落组成简单,物种盖度较低;天台县的天台鹅耳枥-云锦杜鹃-多脉鹅耳枥+阔叶箬竹-黑果菝葜+三脉紫菀群丛分布在坡度较缓、土壤湿度较好的地带,是最大的野生天台鹅耳枥群落,有少量野生天台鹅耳枥幼树及幼苗成活。【结论】天台鹅耳枥分布范围狭窄,其所处的群落稳定性不高,种群呈衰退趋势。CCA排序结果较好地反映了植物群落与环境因子的关系,其中海拔、坡度和干扰是天台鹅耳枥群落群落结构和空间分布的主导环境因子。相关研究要考虑其特有的生境,重点关注原有自然群落的稳定性,加强保护原生地环境和群落伴生植物,以确保天台鹅耳枥种群的长期生存。 【Objective】Carpinus tientaiensis is an endemic tree species in China,which is only disjunctively distributed in the east and middle of Zhejiang Province.Due to the habitat fragmentation,the population of C.tientaiensis becomes smaller and isolated from each other,so it has been in a critically endangered state.The research on the natural community characteristics of C.tientaiensis and their association with environment in Tiantai County and Pan’an County of Zhejiang Province can provide a basis for scientifically and effectively restoring the population of C.tientaiensis.【Method】Based on the field community and habitat survey data,the community characteristics of C.tientaiensis were quantitatively analyzed through two-way indicator species analysis(TWINSPAN)and canonical correspondence analysis(CCA).The associations of the community characteristics and species distribution pattern of C.tientaiensis in the two regions with environment were explored.【Result】24 quadrats of C.tientaiensis community were investigated in the survey regions,and a total of 46 species of vascular plants(40 genera and 29 families)were recorded.The important value of main species was subjected to TWINSPAN clustering,based on which the C.tientaiensis community was divided into 7 association types.C.tientaiensis played a dominant role in the community,and the commonly-seen associated plants in each quadrat included Indocalamus latifolius(17/24),Lindera reflexa(9/24),Symplocos paniculata(9/24),Castanea seguinii(8/24)and Crytomeria fortunei(7/24).According to the analysis of the floristic geographical elements of seed plants in the community,there were significant warm-temperate characteristics in the community,and the tropical and subtropical elements occupied a large proportion.The rationality of TWINSPAN classification result was verified by CCA ranking order.72.66%of the association between species distribution and environmental factors could be explained through the first 3 axes of CCA,and the 7 association types had significant differentiation in terms of the environmental gradients.The first axis prominently reflected the altitudinal gradients(P<0.01)and disturbance(P<0.01),and the second axis reflected the change trends of slope position and slope gradients(P<0.01).The Monte Carlo permutation test showed that the species had extremely significant correlations with the altitude,disturbance,and slope.The C.tientaiensis community was mainly distributed in the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest on the middle and lower mountains at an altitude of 850-1250 m.Due to the habitat loss and fragmentation,only a few plants of C.tientaiensis were left in the association,such as Pinus taiwanensis-C.tientaiensis-Quercus glandulifera var.brevipetiolata+I.latifolius-L.reflexa association,and C.tientaiensis-Lindera erythrocarpa-Acer pubipalmatum+I.latifolius+Antenoron filiforme association.The structure of some associations became incomplete,such as C.tientaiensis+Potentilla freyniana-Houttuynia cordata-Clinopodium gracile association composed of only tree layer and herb layer,with simple community composition and low species coverage.In Tiantai County,C.tientaiensis-Rhododendron fortune-C.polyneura+I.latifolius-Smilax glaucochina+Aster ageratoides association was distributed in areas with gentler slopes and better soil humidity,which was the largest wild community of C.tientaiensis,with a few survived wild saplings and seedlings.【Conclusion】C.tientaiensis narrow distribution range,its community stability is not high,and the age structure of the population is decaying.The relationship between vegetation communities and environmental factors was reflected by CCA ordination,as altitude,slope and disturbance were the dominant environmental factors affecting the community structure and spatial distribution of C.tientaiensis,which can be used as an important basis for the restoration and enhancement of C.tientaiensis population.Relevant studies should take into account its unique habitat,it is necessary to pay close attention to the stability of original natural community and enhance the protection of the native environment and associated plants during the restoration and protection of C.tientaiensis population,so as to ensure the long-term survival of C.tientaiensis population.
作者 陈模舜 金则新 柯世省 陈子林 潘德月 Chen Moshun;Jin Zexin;Ke Shisheng;Chen Zilin;Pan Deyue(School of Life Sciences,Taizhou University Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation,Taizhou 318000;Administration of Zhejiang Dapanshan National Natural Reserve,Pan’an 322300)
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期1-11,共11页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51279121) 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY19C060001)。
关键词 天台鹅耳枥 群落 双向指示种分类法(TWINSPAN) 典范对应分析法(CCA) 环境因子 Carpinus tientaiensis community two-way indicator species analysis(TWINSPAN) canonical correspondence analysis(CCA) environmental factors
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