
林分结构多样性研究进展 被引量:34

Advances in Structural Diversity of Stand Structure
摘要 林分结构是森林经营与分析中的重要因子,提高林分结构多样性和复杂性是实现森林生态系统生物多样性维持和增加的基础。林分结构多样性表达方法是生态学和林学学科研究的重点议题,本研究从林分结构组成多样性、林木大小分化多样性和林木空间分布多样性3方面综述林分结构多样性研究进展。林分结构组成多样性常以林分组成属性为基本统计单位,以植物群落学中的α物种多样性指数为基础来表达;基于相邻木关系的林分组成结构多样性则通过描述林分中树种的隔离程度来体现。林木大小分化多样性以林木个体胸径、树高和冠幅等因子作为比较指标,大小变异系数、Gini系数、胸径分布偏度、大小分化度等常用来描述林木大小分化程度。林木空间分布多样性的实质是林木在水平空间上的位置分布格局多样性;点格局分析方法能够很好描述林木位置随尺度变化的差异,但对数据要求较高,需要精确的林木定位数据;标记二阶特征可以体现林分中树种和大小随尺度变化的分布情况,对生态学过程和假说具有一定分析和解释能力,但无法表达林分树种组成的丰富程度和林木大小的变异程度,也需要精确的林木定位数据。林分结构复杂性优先于林分结构多样性,二者既有联系又有区别,林分结构多样性常作为林分结构复杂性的替代指标。林分结构是一个多维度概念,现有林分结构多样性表达方法缺乏体现林分结构多维性的指标,探索林分结构多样性和复杂性表达方法仍是一项富有挑战的工作。未来林分结构多样性或复杂性指标的构建需要考虑林分结构多维性,同时要考虑多种属性的权重问题;另外,还要与具体的森林经营活动相结合,能够指导林分结构调整,最终实现增加林分结构多样性、维持和增加森林生态系统多样性的目的。 Stand structure is an important factor in forest management and analysis.Enhancing the diversity and complexity of stand structure is the basis for maintaining and increasing the biodiversity of forest ecosystems.The method of expressing diversity of stand structure has been a key issue in the study of ecology and forestry disciplines.This paper summarized the research progress of stand structure diversity from the composition diversity of forest stands,the tree size differentiation diversity and the spatial distribution diversity.The composition structural diversity of forest stands is often based on composition attribute and theαspecies diversity index in plant community science.The diversity of the stand structure based on the neighbourhood relationship reflects the compositional diversity by describing the degree of segregation of the tree species in the stand.The size differentiation diversity of forest trees was compared with the factors such as DBH,tree height and crown width.The indicators of size coefficient,Gini coefficient,DBH distribution and size differentiation were used to describe the size differentiation diversity of stand.The spatial diversity of forest trees is essentially the diversity of spatial distribution patterns of trees in horizontal space.The point pattern analysis method could be used describe the differences of forest position with the change of scale,but it requires accurate tree position data.The mark second-order structural characteristic can reflect the distribution of tree species and the size with the change of scale in the stand and have certain ability to analyze and explain the ecological process and hypothesis,but they cannot express the richness of the tree species and the degree of tree size variation,it also needs accurate tree position data.The complexity of the stand structure takes precedence over the diversity of the stand structure,and the two concepts are related and different.The diversity of the stand structure is often used as an alternative indicator of the complexity of the stand.In the future,the construction of forest structure diversity or complexity indicators needs to take into account the multidimensional characteristic of the forest structure,at the same time,the weighting of multiple attributes must be considered.In addition,the specific forest management activities should be considered in the process of the construction of the forest structure diversity index,and which could be used to guide the stand structural adjustment and finally achieve the goal of increasing the diversity of stand structure and maintaining and increasing the diversity of the forest ecosystem.
作者 赵中华 惠刚盈 Zhao Zhonghua;Hui Gangying(Key Laboratory of Tree Breeding and Cultivation of National Forestry and Grassland Administration Research Institute of Forestry,CAF Beijing 100091)
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期143-152,共10页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于相邻木关系的林分结构多样性研究”(31670640)。
关键词 林分结构 多样性 组成 大小分化 空间分布 stand structure diversity composition size differentiation spatial distribution
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