Over the course of time that professions have been studied,a trait-based model has dominated the approaches:“expert knowledge,”“lengthy training,”“certification,”“autonomy,”“altruism,”and so on.Such traits,to the extent they represent truth about professions,are disembodied from the people who compose professions.I have,in my work,offered an alternative:professions as understood by how careers are subjectively experienced.This approach“brings people in”to the study of work.In doing so,we reveal an internal differentiation of professions,the academic profession in our present concerns,that bespeaks different“worlds of work,”in which there are encoded meanings,understandings,interpretations,and career pathways that constitute a profession.This article,which is aimed to summarize for Chinese audiences key elements of my approach,is based on a line of work that spans two decades on academic scientists who were first studied in the 1990s and then again in the 2000s to create a longitudinal basis on which to understand how academic careers are experienced over time and in the institutional contexts in which careers unfold.This work enables us to see:what it means to be a professor,to work at a university,and to develop a career with accompanying satisfactions and dissatisfactions,as highly contingent on time and place.The framework outlined has broad generalizability for the study of the academic profession in varieties of national contexts,for professional occupations generally,as well as for other groups.
Peking University Education Review