
基于车联网的酒驾疲劳预警监测管理系统 被引量:2

Early warning monitoring and management system of drunk and fatigue driving based on Internet of vehicles
摘要 酒驾、疲劳驾驶是造成重大交通安全事故的重要原因,对驾驶员的酒驾、疲劳状态进行监测以及预警是汽车安全技术研究的重要领域。该文研究克服现有技术成本高、精度低、检测程序复杂等特点,采用基于眼部特征识别疲劳驾驶的理论,基于Matlab编程采集驾驶人典型疲劳状态,结合基于单片机的酒精检测预警模块,完成酒驾疲劳检测平台的搭建。研发模块化APP和Web终端车联网监控管理系统,将酒驾、疲劳模块整合到车联网系统中。模块化特点,可以结合不同的交通需求,打造多传感器平台,构成整体车联网系统,实现交通安全的全方面监管,打造智慧交通网络。研究成果对交通安全和智慧城市的建设具有重要的研究意义。 Alcohol driving and fatigue driving are the important causes of major traffic accidents.It is an important field in the research of automobile safety technology to monitor and forewarn for the driver s drunk driving and fatigue state.The research overcomes the characteristics of high cost,low precision and complex testing procedures of the existing technology.Based on the theory of eye feature recognition and Matlab software,the typical fatigue state of drivers is collected combined with the early warning module of alcohol detection based on single-chip microcomputer,the establishment of alcohol driving fatigue detection platform is completed.Integrate alcohol driving and fatigue modules into the Internet of vehicles system,develop app and Web Internet of vehicles monitoring and management system.Modular features can be combined with different traffic needs to create a multi-sensor platform,which constitute an overall Internet of vehicles system,realize all-round supervision of traffic safety,and build a smart traffic network.The research results are of great significance to traffic safety and the construction of smart city.
作者 于雯 赵峰 王艳 梅诗雯 梁振杰 YU Wen;ZHAO Feng;WANG Yan;MEI Shiwen;LIANG Zhenjie(Taizhou Polytechnic College,Jiangsu Taizhou 225300,China)
出处 《工业仪表与自动化装置》 2020年第5期87-89,92,共4页 Industrial Instrumentation & Automation
基金 江苏省2019年度高校“青蓝工程”资助项目 2019江苏省大学生创新创业训练计划项目 2019泰州职业技术学院科研项目(TZYKY-19-17)。
关键词 酒驾 疲劳驾驶 模块化 车联网 智慧交通 alcohol driving fatigue driving modular system Internet of vehicles intelligent transportation
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