

Acomparative study of The traing,competition and enrollment models of swimming teams in Chinese and American Universities--Take the swimming teams ofSEU and UIUC as examples
摘要 本研究采用文献资料法、案例分析法、访谈法与质性研究的方法,利用在美国访学一年的有利条件,通过对高水平运动队的教练(含助理教练)、运动员及相关管理人员从中美高校游泳队的训练与比赛情况、招生模式进行实地访谈,旨在通过对东南大学高水平游泳队与美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校游泳队在管理模式上的不同,揭示我国高校游泳队在队伍建设和管理等方面的不足和差距,从而拓宽我国高校办高水平运动队的思路、不断缩小与国外高校的差距、探索具有中国特色的高校高水平运动队建设的新路。研究得出:(1)与美国高校联盟有固定的竞赛期不同,我国高校体育竞赛时间的不确定性和随意性的现象,使得我校与伊大游泳队训练周期中训练的科学、有效、系统有较大的差距。同时与伊大游泳队在竞赛期组织形式多样的比赛不同,东大游泳队的运动员参赛机会少、且比赛种类单一;(2)由于两国高校体育招生体制的不同,两校在招生管理上区别很大。伊大游泳队针对运动员的发展潜力,通过长期跟踪、双向沟通了解,运动员择校和教练员招生都有较高的自主性;而东大运动员的招生则是通过“一考定终身”的测试方式决定。 The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare the team management mode of the highlevel swimming team between Southeast University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in order to reveal the disadvantages and gaps in team management and construction existing in universities,swimming team in China,and then give the constructive suggestions to broaden the thoughts of management of swimming team in China,narrow the gaps with the western universities,and explore a new way for the construction of high-level sport teams with Chinese characteristics in universities.This research adopts literature data method,case analysis method,interviewing method,and qualitative research method.The athletic directors,coaches,student-athletes and physical therapist are recruited to participate in a semi-structure interview.The interview contents are training and competition system,recruitment management between two teams.Results are listed following:(1)comparing with the NCAA competition system which establishes a stable competition seas on,the competition seas on of un iversity level in China is uncertain and ran dom.It results in that there is a gap in the practice betwee n SEU and UIUC where is more scie ntific,effective,and systematic.Mean while,unlike the diverse competitions organized by the UIUC Swimming Team during the competition period,the athletes of the SEU swimming team have fewer opportunities to participate meets,and the types of the meet are single.(2)due to the differences in the recruitment system between the two countries,the two teams differ greatly in recruitment procedure.The UIUC swimming team adopts the pattern of long-term follow-up and two-way communication for recruitment.In that case,athletes have a high degree of autonomy in selecting universities and coaches.However,the recruitment in SEU swimming team is based on a pattern of one single test.This seemingly fair and just selection method ignores the motivation of athletes'choice and athletes'potential.Therefore,it is not surprising that some athletes exhibit the motivation of"want me to practice"after they entered the school.
作者 郭璠 Guo Pan(Department of physical education,Southeast University,Nanjing,Jiangsu Province,210000)
机构地区 东南大学体育系
出处 《游泳》 2020年第5期84-87,共4页 Swimming
关键词 中美高校 游泳队 训练与比赛 招生 对比 China and the US universities swimming team training and competition system management model comparison.
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