
混合式教学模式在小语种口语教学中的应用--以初级日语口语课程为例 被引量:3

Application of Blended Teaching Modle in Spoken Teaching of Minority Languages--Taking Elementary Spoken Japanese course as an Example
摘要 随着信息技术的不断发展,“互联网+教育”正逐渐渗透到各教育阶段的教学环节中,但是对外语领域混合式学习的深入探究大部分集中在英语教学领域,而小语种学习领域的混合式教学研究,尤其是混合式教学的基础理论研究、学习支持体系建设、应用模式构建的实证研究等领域还有待探究。以“蓝墨云班课”教学平台为依托,尝试在初级日语口语课程中引入混合式教学方法,旨在探索混合式教学模式在小语种口语教学中的有效应用。 With the development of information technology,the education form of"Internet+education"is gradually being infiltrated into every step of all educational stages.However,the intensive exploration of blended education in foreign language fields is mostly concentrating on English teaching,and that in minority language learning,especially research on basic theories,the construction of learning support system,and the empirical research of application model construction,remains to be explored.Based on the"Mosoink cloud class"teaching platform,this study attempts to introduce the blended teaching method into the elementary spoken Japanese course,aiming to explore the effectiveness of the blended teaching model in the spoken teaching of minority languages.
作者 陈依偲 CHEN Yi-cai(Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages,Shaoxing,Zhejiang 312000,China)
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2020年第41期183-185,共3页 Education And Teaching Forum
基金 2018年度绍兴市高等教育教学改革课题重点项目“基于‘蓝墨云班课平台’的混合式教学模式在小语种口语教学中的应用--以初级日语口语课程为例”(SXSJG201814)。
关键词 蓝墨云班课 混合式教学 初级日语口语 小语种口语教学 Mosoink cloud class blended teaching elementary spoken Japanese spoken teaching of minority languages
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