
德国新型冠状病毒性肺炎疫情形势及防控举措分析 被引量:2

The Development of the Novel Coronavirus Epidemic in Germany and the Analysis of Its Prevention and Control Measures
摘要 自1月27日德国确诊首个新冠肺炎感染病例以来,德国疫情经历少量输入性传播、本土病例激增以及高位稳定三大阶段。根据疫情发展的阶段性特征,联邦政府在初期聚焦切断输入性感染源;在加速蔓延时期,防控重点转向遏制本土扩散,社交禁令、停工停学等限制性措施陆续出台;在疫情初步稳定后,联邦政府着手推进阶段式松绑,并研拟一系列经济刺激和财政补贴计划,助力企业共渡难关。尽管欧洲一体化的结构性缺陷、德国联邦制的体制性弊端以及民众对自由生活和隐私保护的“执念”增加了德国疫情防控的压力,但相较其他欧洲国家,德国疫情在较短时间内得到有效控制,被评为欧洲最安全的国家,政府危机管理能力获得权威机构认可。德国政府在应对此次疫情中的良好表现,与其在疫情初期的迅速反应、传染病防控机制常态化建设、相对发达的医疗卫生服务体系和充沛的医疗资源直接相关,对其他国家提升应对重大突发公共卫生事件的能力和水平具有重要借鉴意义。 Since the first case of novel Coronavirus pneumonia infection was confirmed on January 27th,the epidemic has experienced three major stages in Germany:In the first stage,the infections are mostly imported cases,followed by a domestic surge in the number of confirmed cases in the second stage,then a relatively stable phase with a large amount of infections.According to the different characteristics of the development phase of the epidemic,the federal government's prevention and control measures at the primary stage mainly focus on cutting off the source of imported infections.In the period of accelerated outbreak,the focus moves to control the local spread.Therefore,a series of restrictive measures,such as ban on public gathering,school suspension and closure of non-essential businesses,were introduced one after another.At the relative stable level,the federal government began to loosen tightening measures step by step and released a series of economic stimulus plans to help enterprises tide over the difficulties.Although the structural limitation of European Union,the systemic defects of German federal system and the"obsession"of the public with Free Life and privacy protection have intensified the pressure of the German government while fighting against the novel Coronavirus.But in comparison with other European countries,the German government has made remarkable progress in a relatively short period of time.And Germany was rated as the safest country in Europe,the government crisis management is also recognized by authoritative institutions.The excellent performance of the German government regarding the prevention and control of Novel Coronavirus is directly related to its rapid response in the early stage,the normalization of infectious disease prevention and control mechanisms,as well as the relatively developed medical service system and abundant medical resources.Therefore the analysis of this paper will provide an important reference for other countries to improve the capacity of coping with major public health emergencies.
作者 吴妍 Wu Yan
出处 《国别和区域研究》 2020年第2期142-162,171,172,共23页 Journal of International and Regional Studies
关键词 德国 新冠肺炎 疫情防控 Germany COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control
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