iWeb is an internet-based English corpus developed by COCA’s author. It is developed based on COCA but has made several important modifications to facilitate language learning. In this article,we propose i Web as a solution to maximally reap the benefit of language corpora in English learning and teaching.In this article,we first review the state of art of corpus application in English language teaching in China. Although language corpus is a familiar concept for English scholars and teachers here,its actual pedagogical applications are quite limited in EFL classes. Similar to corpus use in the wider ESL context,major hindrances include the difficulty in processing authentic data and in creating contentappropriate language corpora. We propose that these difficulties can be tackled by technical means and pedagogical creativity—by combining language corpora with more powerful functionalities and task-based language teaching. The goal of this article is thus to showcase i Web and pedagogical tasks developed around it as a possible solution.To better illustrate how i Web could be used in different teaching contexts and levels,we first introduce the functionalities of i Web,giving special attention to its new features such as Word, Virtual Corpora, and Browse. These new features allow users to conveniently tap into the i Web’s language data with more flexibility in interacting with the corpus. Among these features,Word is a dictionary-like page that integrates a wide rage of information of a given word, such as its definition,synonyms,pronunciation,relevant images,occurrences in film clips,as well as its usage information in the corpus, including clusters, collocates, related topics,related websites and concordances;Virtual Corpora is a function that allows users to create topic-focused subcorpora within i Web based on keyword searches;Browse is a wordlist generator that give users access to lists of vocabulary that meet different search criteria,including pronunciation,spelling, part of speech and frequency ranking. These functionalities integrate with one another seamlessly in i Web and it facilitates a seamless learning experience supported by searches and linked pages with organized information.Following the introduction,we share five languagelearning tasks using the aforementioned functionalities in i Web. These tasks are designed for learning spelling,vocabulary, and writing at different levels, both for general purposes and ESP. In each of these tasks,we include both the learning objectives and detailed description of the procedures,to demonstrate how tasks could be set to motivate autonomous learning with language corpora. In these tasks,we go beyond the canonical DDL methods that emphasize the role of frequency and bring in the dimension of ‘linguistic constructions’ in data-driven analysis,and we discuss how learning with language data in corpora corresponds to a usage-based view of language acquisition.To conclude, we hope that the convenience of i Web’s tools provides an incentive for the application of language corpora in teaching and learning English as a second language, but we have also pointed out that effective application of corpus requires the participation on the part of learners,which should be supported and guided by language teachers.
Mark Davies
PENG Xin-jia;Mark Davies(School of Liberal Arts,Nanjing University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210046,China;China Centre for Linguistic and Strategic Studies,Nanjing University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210046,China;Department of Linguistics,Brigham Young University,Provo,Utah 846002,USA)
Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education