
酒石酸伐尼克兰片用于戒烟的快速卫生技术评估 被引量:3

Rapid health technology assessment of varenicline tartrate for smoking cessation
摘要 目的:通过对酒石酸伐尼克兰的快速卫生技术评估,评价酒石酸伐尼克兰的安全性、有效性和经济性,为决策者和临床工作者提供更好的现有询证医学证据。方法:系统检索PubMed、Embase、Cochrane Library、CNKI、CBM、万方、维普和HTA相关网站和数据库。由2位研究者根据纳入排除标准独立地筛选文献、提取数据并评价文献质量,并对结果进行定性分析。结果:共纳入1篇HTA、11篇系统评价/Meta分析和15篇经济学评价。酒石酸伐尼克兰与安慰剂/阳性药物相比可以显著提高短期/长期戒烟率,并能降低再次吸烟的可能性。酒石酸伐尼克兰总体安全性较好,恶心、失眠、梦境异常等不良反应与对照组相比并无显著差别。国外的经济学研究表明,酒石酸伐尼克兰具有较好的成本效益。结论:酒石酸伐尼克兰具有良好的有效性和安全性,在我国应用是否具有经济性还有待进一步的研究。 Objective:Based on rapid health technology assessment of varenicline tartrate,this study aims to evaluate the efficacy,safety and pharmacoeconomy of this drug and to provide current evidence for clinical physicians and the decision-makers.Methods:PubMed,Embase,Cochrane Library,CNKI,CBM,WanFang,VIP and HTA databases were searched.2 researchers worked independently to screen the documents,extract the data,assessed the data quality,and perform the qualitative analysis according to uniform inclusion/exclusion standards.Results:1 HTA reports,11 systematic reviews and 15 economic evaluations were included.Compared with placebo/active drugs,short-term/long-term smoking cessation rates significantly increased and the probabilities of retreatment decreased.The profile of safety was acceptable.No significant difference was found in adverse reactions among groups,such as nausea,insomnia and abnormal dreams.Pharmacoeconomic studies in other countries showed that varenicline was cost-effectiveness.Conclusion:Varenicline tartrate has good effectiveness and safety;however,the cost-effectiveness of varenicline in China needs further study.
作者 田欣 解染 董秀 李若茗 陈超阳 马凌云 李静姿 周颖 崔一民 TIAN Xin;XIE Ran;DONG Xiu;LI Ruo-ming;CHEN Chao-yang;MA Ling-yun;LI Jing-zi;ZHOU Ying;CUI Yi-min(Peking UniversityDepartment of Pharmacy,Peking University First Hospital,Beijing 100191,China;Department of Pharmacy Administration and Clinical Pharmacy,School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Health Science Center,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《中国新药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第17期2034-2040,共7页 Chinese Journal of New Drugs
关键词 快速卫生技术评估 酒石酸伐尼克兰 有效性 安全性 经济性 rapid health technology assessment varenicline tartrate efficacy safety economy
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