
研究生教学中的基因克隆与病毒载体的构建 被引量:1

Gene Cloning and Construction of Virus Vector in Graduate Teaching
摘要 在医学类研究生的科研教学与实验研究中,如何帮助硕士研究生更好地开展科研实验活动既是教学活动的出发点也是落脚点,如何搭建起理论教学与实验室实践的桥梁是研究生教学工作的核心。基因克隆技术,特别是该技术中的病毒载体构建部分,大部分硕士研究生新生对此掌握不足。理论知识与实践经验的不足对于研究生开展实验室实验有着诸多的影响和限制。通过开展基因克隆与病毒载体的构建专业选修课程,为医学类研究生提供理论知识的引导与专业技能的指导,通过案例指导教学方式,深入浅出地讲解知识要点,为医学专业研究生科研实验之路提供必要的帮助。 That students carry out scientific research experimental activities is both the starting point and the foothold of teaching activities,and how to build a bridge between theoretical teaching and laboratory practice is the core of graduate teaching. The most of new graduate students do not grasp gene cloning technology,especially,the viral vector construction part of the technology. The deficiency of theoretical knowledge and practical experience has a lot of influence and limitation on the laboratory experiment of postgraduates. Carrying out the professional elective courses of gene cloning and virus vector construction provides the guidance of theoretical knowledge and professional skills for medical graduate students,and explains the key points of knowledge in a simple way through the case teaching method,so as to provide necessary help for the road of scientific research experiment for medical graduate students.
作者 王菁华 孙瑾 穆莉莉 WANG Jinghua;SUN Jin;MU Lili(Department of Neurobiology,Harbin Medical University,Harbin 150081,China)
出处 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第9期195-197,共3页 Research and Exploration In Laboratory
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81671234) 哈尔滨医科大学研究生选修课课程建设研究项目(YJSXXK-XSXW-2018-09)。
关键词 基因克隆 病毒载体的构建 研究生教学 gene cloning virus vector construction graduate teaching
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