

The Paris Commune as the Historical Coordinates Dividing the World Political Plates of the 20th Century:A Historical Comprehension in Studying The Civil War in France
摘要 发生在1871年的德国统一、巴黎公社、马克思发表《法兰西内战》,是近现代世界历史发展转折的三件大事。巴黎起义、成立公社是当时一系列特殊情况促成的,法国根本不具备无产阶级革命的主客观条件。公社是阶级意识尚不成熟的巴黎工人阶级在危急时刻寻求保卫祖国的本能归宿,是资本主义向垄断过渡阶段,西欧城市自治传统的悲情谢幕。统一后的德国,由于闯出一条具有德意志民族特色的资本主义发展道路,形成新的社会治理理念,世界以美、德、英、法四国为中心,结成主导历史走向的西方资本主义先进板块。而俄国的资本主义异化发展,造成以俄国为中心的、相对落后的东方板块。1871年是20世纪世界东西方板块分轨的岔道口。与世界分裂为东西方两大板块相应,世界社会主义运动也公开分裂为两派:主张“和平长入”、崇尚“民主社会主义”的西方社会主义,坚持马克思主义暴力革命和无产阶级专政原则的东方社会主义。“民主社会主义”终究是海市蜃楼。中国人民革命的胜利,改革开放的社会主义中国奔向建设中国特色社会主义,圆梦中华民族伟大复兴,是巴黎公社原则在东方大地的开花、结果。 The unification of Germany,the Paris Commune,and the publication of Marx’s The Civil War in France occurred in 1871 are three major events that marked the turning of historical development of the modern world.The Paris uprising and commune establishment were stimulated by a series of special situations when France was deficient in either subjective or objective conditions for a proletariat revolution.The Commune was both an instinct fate for the Paris working class with immatureclassconsciousness to defend their motherland in a time of crisis,and a sad curtain call for the autonomous tradition in western European cities in the transitional stage of capitalism toward monopoly.Since the unified Germany paved a way of capitalist development with German characteristics and formed new ideas of social governance,the world witnessed an advanced western capitalist plate centered with the United States,Germany,United Kingdom,and France that largely steered the direction of history.The alienated capitalist development in Russia led to a Russia-centered and relatively backward eastern plate.The year 1871 is the fork that divided the tracks for the eastern and western plates of the 20th century.In correspondence to the division of eastern and western plates of the world,the world socialist movements also split openly into two camps:the western socialism advocating“march into”and“democratic socialism,”and the eastern socialism upholding the Marxist principles of violent revolution and proletarian dictatorship.“Democratic socialism”is after all a mirage.The victory of the Chinese people’s revolution,the leap of socialist China in reform and opening-up toward building socialism with Chinese characteristics,and the dream realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation are the blossoms and fruits of the principles of the Paris Commune in the eastern world.
作者 叶书宗 叶天楠 YE Shuzong;YE Tiannan(School of Humanities,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234;College of Liberal Arts,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444)
出处 《中国浦东干部学院学报》 2020年第5期77-89,共13页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
关键词 巴黎公社 《法兰西内战》 暴力革命和无产阶级专政 “民主社会主义” 政治板块 历史坐标 Paris Commune The Civil War in France violent revolution and proletarian dictatorship “democratic socialism ”political plate historical coordinates








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