

Emerson,s View of Junzi under the Influence of Chinese Confucianism
摘要 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生是美国超验主义之父,超验主义思想是美国文化独立的一杆大旗。在创立和形成超验主义思想体系的过程中,爱默生及其同仁放眼世界,在世界文化视野下积极探索。古印度、波斯等宗教哲学思想丰富了爱默生的理想主义哲学,而中国儒家思想则以其"入世"的伦理道德观深刻地影响了爱默生的人生哲学思想。儒家思想强调"君子"要"心正""意诚",进而"修身、齐家、治国、平天下",这些观点对美国的超验主义思想、尤其是对致力于美国社会改良与发展的爱默生产生了重要影响。 Ralph Waldo Emerson is the father of American Transcendentalism,while Transcendentalism is one major sign of the independence of American culture.In the process of founding transcendentalism,both Emerson and his colleagues turned to the world culture actively.The ancient Indian and Persian philosophy has enriched Emerson’s idealist philosophy,meanwhile the worldly view of Confucianism from China has deeply influenced Emerson’s philosophy of life.Confucianism emphasizes that Junzi should always be sincere and faithful,and then Junzi could be capable of regulating the self,uniting the whole family,helping to administer the state and making the whole world harmonious.These ideas gradually came into Emerson’s horizon and began to have an important influence on the formation of American Transcendentalism and in Emerson’s effort to improve American society.
作者 公丽艳 程伟 Gong Liyan;Cheng Wei(School of Foreign Studies,Qilu Normal University,Jinan 250200,China;Lijin Senior Middle School of Dongying,Lijin 257400,China)
出处 《齐鲁师范学院学报》 2020年第5期98-105,148,共9页 Journal of Qilu Normal University
基金 山东省社科规划项目“儒家文化对西方文学的影响--以超验主义对中国儒家思想的接纳为例”(项目编号:18CWZJ47)。
关键词 儒家思想 君子 超验主义 爱默生 Confucianism Junzi Transcendentalism Emerson
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