
冠突曲霉preA基因的功能分析 被引量:2

Functional Analysis on the pre A Gene in Aspergillus cristatus
摘要 冠突曲霉(Aspergillus cristatus)能获得纯的无性或有性孢子,是研究曲霉有性产孢的优选材料。前期研究分析了冠突曲霉的野生型菌株和MAT基因敲除菌株的转录组数据,结果表明信息素受体基因(preA和preB)与交配型基因(MAT1-1和MAT1-2)可能存在调控关系。本研究利用基因敲除技术研究信息素受体基因preA的功能,结果显示preA基因参与了冠突曲霉的有性发育,是闭囊壳、子囊和子囊孢子正常发育所必需;且在子囊和子囊孢子形成阶段,preA基因对MAT1-1基因在表达水平上是正调控关系;而在营养生长和闭囊壳形成阶段,preA基因对MAT1-1和MAT1-2基因均是负调控作用。本研究结果表明preA基因在冠突曲霉有性发育中的功能,对阐释MAT基因对有性发育的调控功能具有重要意义。 Aspergillus cristatus can obtain absolute asexual and sexual spores in the development process,so it is an idea material for studying mechanism of sporulation.Our transcriptome analysis of the wild-type and MAT mutants of Aspergillus cristatus indicated that between pheromone receptor genes(preA and preB)and matingtype genes(MAT1-1 and MAT1-2)have the regulatory relation.We studied the function of preA using the gene recombination technology.The results revealed that preA is involved in the sexual development of Aspergillus cristatus,it is necessary for the normal development of cleistothecium,ascus and ascospores.In the formation process of ascus and ascospore,the expression level of MAT1-1 and preA is a positive regulatory relation,but MAT1-2 and preA is a negative regulatory relation;moreover,MAT1-1 or MAT1-2 to preA is a negative regulatory relation in stages of vegetative growth and cleistochecium formation.The results showed that the function of preA in the sexual development stage of Aspergillus cristatus,it is important significance for elucidating the regulation mechanism of mating-type gene.
作者 向婷 于凤明 杨正军 谭玉梅 刘作易 葛永怡 Xiang Ting;Yu Fengming;Yang Zhengjun;Tan Yumei;Liu Zuoyi;Ge Yongyi(College of Life Science,Guizui university,Guiyang,550025;Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology,Guiyang,550006;Guizhou Institute of Biotechnology,Guiyang,550006;Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Guiyang,550006)
出处 《基因组学与应用生物学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期3070-3078,共9页 Genomics and Applied Biology
基金 国家自然科学基金(31860022) 贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合平台人才[2018]5781号) 贵州省科技合作计划项目([2015]7683号) 贵州省生物学一流学科建设项目(GNYL[2017]009) 贵州大学引进人才科研项目([2016]37号)共同资助。
关键词 冠突曲霉 有性发育 preA基因 基因敲除 Aspergillus cristatus Sexual development preA gene Gene knockout
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