依据CISPR 35:2016中对宽带脉冲传导骚扰抗扰度的测试要求,对宽带脉冲传导骚扰抗扰度的干扰源、功率放大器、耦合去耦网络等设备的要求进行了解析。详述了对测试的要求及设置、白噪声序列的校准,并给出了白噪声信号的波形和幅频特性,并通过测试验证了利用任意波发生器搭建宽带脉冲传导骚扰抗扰度测试系统的可行性。
According to the test requirements for the broadband impulsive conducted disturbances in CISPR 35:2016,the requirements of signal generator,power amplifier and coupling decoupling network are analyzed.The requirements and settings of the test and the calibration of white noise sequence are described in detail.The waveform and amplitude frequency characteristics of white noise signal are given.The feasibility of using arbitrary wave generator to build a broadband impulse conducted disturbance immunity test system is verified by testing.