
灌浆期冬小麦生理特性和产量对不同灌水量的响应 被引量:3

Response of Physiological Characteristic at Grain Filling Stage and Yield of Winter Wheat to Different Irrigation Treatments
摘要 为了解小麦灌浆期旗叶生理特性和产量对灌水量的响应,以小麦品种衡6632、石农086和济麦22为供试材料,通过旱棚和大田试验,设置春季不灌水(W0)、灌拔节水(W1,75 mm)和灌拔节+开花水(W2,150 mm)3个处理,比较分析了不同灌水量下三个品种灌浆期旗叶抗氧化和渗透调节能力及产量的差异。结果表明,旱棚条件下,与W0处理相比,W1和W2处理显著提高了各品种旗叶超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,显著降低了丙二醛、脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量,显著增加穗粒数及产量,其中石农086和济麦22的W2处理产量均显著高于W1处理。大田条件下,与W0处理相比,W1和W2处理均显著提高了三个品种旗叶SOD、POD和CAT活性,降低脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量,显著增加有效穗数和产量,各品种产量在W2 与W1处理间无显著差异。这说明春季灌水能不同程度增强小麦抗氧化能力,提高籽粒产量。 To under stand the physiological characteristics of wheat flag leaf at the grain filling stage and the response of wheat yield to irrigation treatments three wheat varieties,Heng 6632(H6632), Shinong 086(S086) and Jimai 22(J22),were used in the experiment. Three treatments,no irrigation in spring(W0), irrigation at jointing(W1, 75 mm), irrigation at jointing and flowering(W2, 150 mm),were set up to analyze the effect of different irrigation amount on the antioxidant and osmotic adjustment ability of flag leaf at grain filling and yield. The results showed that under the treatments of W1 and W2, the superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity, peroxidase(POD) activity and catalase(CAT) activity of different wheat varieties were significantly higher than those of W0, and the content of aldehyde(MDA), proline(Pro) and soluble sugar were significantly lower than those of W0,the yield and grain number per spike were significantly higher than those of W0, and the yield of S086 and J22 under W2 were significantly higher than that of W1. For W1 and W2 in the field treatments, the activity of SOD, POD and CAT of different wheat varieties were significantly higher than that of W0, and the contents of Pro and soluble sugar were significantly lower than those of W0. The yield and effective ear number of W1 and W2 of three wheat varieties were significantly higher than those of W0. The yield of different wheat varieties were not significantly different from that of W2 and W1. This shows that spring irrigation can increase the antioxidant ablity of wheat to varying degress and increase grain yield.
作者 薛佳欣 张江伟 陈宗培 李奔 陈召月 王贵彦 XUE Jiaxin;ZHANG Jiangwei;CHEN Zongpei;LI Ben;CHEN Zhaoyue;WANG Guiyan(College of Agronomy,Hebei Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of North China Crop Improvement and Regulation,Baoding,Hebei 071000,China)
出处 《麦类作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期1111-1119,共9页 Journal of Triticeae Crops
基金 “十三五”国家粮食丰产增效科技创新专项(2018YFD0300504)。
关键词 冬小麦 灌浆期 灌水量 生理特性 产量 Winter wheat Grain filling stage Irrigation treatment Physiological characteristic Yield
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