

A Study of the Maternal Absence in Much Ado about Nothing
摘要 威廉·莎士比亚,英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,1600年左右出版的《无事生非》凭借其中鲜明的人物塑造和狡黠的台词,成为莎翁浪漫爱情喜剧代表作品之一。本文着重关注《无事生非》中希罗母亲缺席的现象,从南希·乔德罗母亲角色再生理论的角度分析《无事生非》中希罗母亲在场的缺席对希罗认识性别身份和性别关系的影响,从而指出女性的自我认同和性别平等的实现,需要从女性自身自我意识觉醒开始,比如对母亲角色和性别身份在母女关系中再生的反思。通过莎士比亚及作品《无事生非》,阐明了目前的研究现状,阐释了南希·乔德罗母亲角色再生理论。探究希罗在母亲缺席的情况下对女性角色的认识。分析希罗在母亲缺席中对男性角色的认识。分析希罗在母亲缺席中对性别关系的认识。总结出《无事生非》中的母亲在场式缺席对希罗的影响,揭示了性别角色和性别关系在母女关系中继承和再生,呼吁对此进行反思,从女性自我意识觉醒开始去实现女性的自我认同和性别平等。 William Shakespeare,the most prominent dramatist in British literature,is famous in the world for his 38 plays and 154 sonnets.Published approximately in 1600,Much Ado about Nothing is one of the master romantic comedies of Shaskepeare for the well-portrayed characters and witty lines.The present absence of Hero's mother is emphasized in this thesis from the perspective of Nancy Chodorow's mothering reproduction theory to analyze the influence of such maternal absence on Hero's recognition of gender roles and gender relationship,thus indicating that the achievement of self-identification and gender equality needs to start from female's self-awareness,such as the introspection of mother's role and the inheritance of mother-daughter identity.The thesis consists of five parts.The first part is a brief introduction to Shakespeare and Much Ado about Nothing as well as literature review,including an explanation of Nancy Chodorow's mothering reproduction theory and the significance of this study.The second part analyzes the female roles in the maternal absence.The third part focuses on the male roles in the maternal absence.The fourth part addresses the gender relationship in patriarchy.Based on the analysis hereinbefore,the fifth part concludes that by analyzing the influence of maternal absencc on Hero it is revealed the inheritance and reproduction of gender roles and gender relationship in mother-daughter relation together with the introspection of this phenomenon and female self-awareness are demanded in order to achieve self-identification and gender equality.
作者 温惠越
出处 《中国莎士比亚研究》 2020年第1期44-58,共15页
关键词 莎士比亚 《无事生非》 母亲缺席 Shakespeare Much Ado about Nothing maternal absence
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