

Charge and Discharge Control Method of Electric Vehicle Based on Peer-to-Peer Network
摘要 大量电动汽车无序充放电会给电力系统安全经济带来负面影响。合理的电动汽车充放电控制能够给电动汽车用户带来可观的经济价值,并保证电网安全稳定运行。因此,提出了基于对等网络的电动汽车充放电控制方法。以电动汽车为单位设计节点的通信、运算及实时决策,以对等计算(Peer-to-Peer Computing)技术为基础,建立了电动汽车充放电的对等网络架构。考虑电动汽车用户最大利益,结合电网运行指标,在电动汽车状态约束条件下采用粒子算法进行求解,并通过算例分析验证了模型的有效性。 The disorderly charging and discharging of a large number of electric vehicles will have a negative impact on the security and economy of the power system.Reasonable charging and discharging control of EV can bring considerable economic value to EV users and ensure the safe and stable operation of power grid.In this paper,a charging and discharging control method of electric vehicle based on peer-to-peer network is proposed.The communication,operation and real-time decision of electric vehicle as a unit node are taken.On the basis of Peerto-Peer Computing technology,a peer-to-peer network architecture of electric vehicle charging and discharging is established.Considering the best interests of electric vehicle users,the peer-to-peer network architecture is adopted in combination with the operation index of electric network and the condition constraints of electric vehicle.Particle algorithm is used to solve the problem.Finally,an example is given to verify the validity of the model.
作者 白英楠 姜志新 罗晓乐 车宝林 BAI Ying-nan;JIANG Zhi-xin;LUO Xiao-le;CHE Bao-lin(Songyuan Power Supply Company,State Grid Jilin Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Songyuan 138000,China)
出处 《通信电源技术》 2020年第13期7-9,13,共4页 Telecom Power Technology
关键词 对等网络 电动汽车 充电控制 Peer-to-Peer network electric vehicle charge and discharge control method
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