
信息化时代高职新专业建设的新技术依托与边界省思——以“教”与“学”为视角 被引量:2

Support and Boundary of New Technologies:Reflection On New Major Construction for Higher Vocational Education in Information Age——from Perspective of“Teaching”and“Learning”
摘要 专业是高职院校最基本的办学单元,"教"与"学"是专业建设最核心的要素。随着信息化科技的迅速发展,新技术层出不穷,新专业与日俱增,在"双新"同轨的过程中,新技术既成就着新专业,也蛊惑着"教"与"学"。基于对"工业机器人技术专业"建设实践的探索与分析,得出:新技术在为新专业带来技术红利的同时,还衍生出技术性依赖、学习浅表化、见物不见人等并发症问题。面对技术隐忧,何者为推动,何者为坍缩,其实是一种立场的抉择,以技术祛魅、应用排忧、路径解惑为理念,审视新技术与新专业的相容"边界",促进新专业建设的现代化、"教"与"学"的生态化,最终回归至"人"本身。 Major is the most basic educational unit in higher vocational colleges."Teaching"and"learning"are the core elements of major construction.With the rapid development of information technology,new technologies are emerging one after another,and new majors are increasing day by day.In the process of"double new"sharing the same track,the new technology not only achieves the new major,but also bewitch"teaching"and"learning".Through the exploration and analysis of the construction practice of"Industrial Robotics Technology Specialty",it is found that the new technology not only brings technical dividends to the new major,but also generates complications such as technical dependence,superficial learning,and seeing things but not people.In the face of hidden technical worries,which is to promote or collapse is actually a matter of standing.With the concept of technology disenchantment,application elimination and path solution,this paper examines the compatible"boundary"between new technology and new major,promoting the modernization of new major construction and the ecology of"teaching"and"learning",and then finally returning to"human"itself.
作者 刘晓宁 祁文博 LIU Xiao-ning;QI Wen-bo(Suzhou University,Suzhou 215123,China)
出处 《黑龙江高教研究》 北大核心 2020年第9期122-126,共5页 Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education
基金 2018年江苏省教育科学“十三五”规划重点课题“深化产教融合背景下教育型企业参与职业教育的机制研究”(编号:B-b/2018/03/13) 2019年江苏省高等教育教改立项研究重点课题“一流本科专业学生科研创新能力培养的体制机制构建研究”(编号:2019JSJG050)。
关键词 信息化时代 新专业建设 新技术应用 人性回归 Information Age new major construction new technology application return of humanity
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